January 23rd, 2024 Livestream Intro / State of Dev

January 23rd, 2024 Livestream

Intro / State of Dev

00:00 Intro
01:44 CSS Game Jam 2024
03:24 State of Dev
06:56 Back full-force
07:26 Q&A: Will the Game Jam showcase be uploaded to YouTube?
07:40 Q&A: How's Dave doing?
07:51 Games Done Quick
10:30 Q&A: How far has Mikael gotten in Satisfactory?
11:42 Soft-start for 2024
13:12 Anecdotes about raiding
13:51 Final Fantasy Fan Fest
14:33 Outro


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-FPiG_ZQ6_xM">[https://youtu.be/FPiG_ZQ6_xM YouTube - January 23rd, 2024 Livestream - Intro / State of Dev]</ref>




hi everybody welcome back oh [ __ ] wait where did go why is M gone oh just disappeared for a second I was like what don't leave me I was looking forward to this oh too too bad all right hey everybody welcome back January 2024 new year new me am I right all right anyways, how y'all doing so many people remember to tune in not muted you you have to excuse, if we run into technical difficulties today because, it's been a while since we did this I don't know if the the volume is okay but it should be fine should be fine heyi stream oh I wish just have it automated just to turn it on and then back onck how you doing how you doing M I think we're fine I'm doing good thank you yeah came out of the, New Year's catching a not flu just rough cold rough cold worked through that yeah worked through that while you were off still for a week did you beat it up no I'm still I'm still sniveling okay I'm still coughing, maybe TMI I'm still coughing mucus in the morning that's fun that's hot yeah yeah yeah all for you guys, work through that went into a very fun week last week do the people know I think they know yeah they do posted yeah we game jammed last week that was awesome yeah and we're going to talk more about that, later during the stream, because yeah we we, we did have a gay little game Jam am at the office to kick off the year, sort of a kickoff I guess is the term for it, where, our studio is divided into smaller teams, for those who don't know how a game jet works by the way which is maybe oh yeah explain that first a game gam is essentially a couple of people getting together making a game and usually how they're organized is that you have a theme and, you have a set amount of time to make it, and some game jams are are very short like they're a day or two days or weekend or something like that and some game dabs are a bit longer like a couple of weeks or even months sometimes, and the whole point of doing game Jam is supposed to be there supposed to be constraints essentially so, you do really creative stuff and, that's what we did at the studio for five days or four and a half yeah five day straight no sleeping no everybody was working 10 20 hours a day and, oh my God man there is there's still blood in the kitchen by yeah man it was gruesome holy [ __ ] but that's what game that's like you have to crunch that you have to crunch that's how game d Works, so yeah we're going to we're going to have some people on that we're we're going to have a representative for each team have on and, talk about the games and play them and show them off, and, good times will be had by all oh yeah, before we head into that we're going to do a real quick state of Dev because I know that people that's why people are here and then soon as we gamej kicks off people just bail see yeah, no but, real quick though, we we're going to the schedule for today is a bit loose, still, because we're sort of getting our our sea legs back from not streaming in a long time actually- I barely remember how to do this it took me a a whole day just to log into twitch, so we're going to mostly spend the stream doing the the game Jam show off, and and maybe maybe we'll do like another state of debit after that if we have time but we'll see how the I have no idea what the schedule is going to be like, but, tldr is that, here here's the state of Dev y all oh cool it updated so, yeah we're back and, we haven't really we have done some kickoff for satisfactory but we mostly spent time working on the Game Dev Jam game game Jam Game Dev Jam, so we haven't really, been able to like get back into satisfactory fully, but we're we're we're doing some things behind the scenes as well and, you know we're now this week I think we're officially sort of kicked off like working on the future for satisfactory and, we'll we'll talk more about that the coming weeks the coming weeks, what office vies right now are like I mean this week SL next week are like pretty much the first weeks that feel like before Christmas yeah and it's not like terms it's not like no one's been working since last time you saw us cuz like it's it's more of a now everybody's back and we're in full force rather than just like people here and there taking time off and and whatnot yeah, so so no real news today we'll have more news soon, I think, I think there's some cool stuff to talk about that was that let me let me do a real quick scuffle scuffle around of these these bad boys so we're we're going to close you off with another state of Dev just for the people that join late because I always know that there's a couple of people that don't get notifications or, live in time zones where you need to get up really early to join in on the, the the streams so whatnot so we're going to do it and this is going to be a really quick state of Dev because we don't really have much to share yet because, we essentially started off the year with doing this game Jam that you just, saw, and, I think we'll have more news the coming weeks what we plan to do, and, that's pretty much it honestly like there's not too much to talk about really yet yeah, yeah that's just how it I said too in the beginning of the stream that again like state of office right now just like in terms of, workflow and just actual like thoughts and effort in satis Factory is basically going back to pre- Christmas pre- Christmas levels this week again because of vacations and the game jam and just like some light sickness and whatnot so yeah yeah cuz like a lot of people during the holiday break like some people worked and some people took vacation and like vacation is all this is always like kind of like a issue where where like not everyone takes vacation the same time so like this the studio kind of like goes up and down like how many people are there and stuff like that but now as of last week we're back full force and then we kicked off the year by doing this game Jam, to sort of refresh ourselves or like do a little you know yeah a kickoff essentially and now we're back full force baby like T said too like the game Jam really was a, like a mind cleanser too in a way because the mood the mood this week has been fantastic like honestly people had so much fun it's carrying it's carrying on it this week which is good to see yeah, will this be uploaded to YouTube, probably not m is make making a a like dedicated video on the game Jam stuff so I think we'll upload that I will put this VOD on highlight though so you you can watch the VOD, so definitely, and yeah how's Dave doing I think Dave is doing fine I haven't talked to him in a while, he was very busy with the, games on quick stuff he had a couple of cool submissions there by the way we should definitely talk about that cuz I don't know if you noticed this but- I tweeted about it but gamestone Qui was last week, and I was watching pretty much every waking moment I had I was I had it on, and satisfactory was ran during gdq by Epiphany who ran it two years ago as well 2022 and, really cool I really recommend checking out the, the VOD for that on games on Quick's, YouTube channel check out the Run by Epiphany where he's he ran the category was called package 2% which means that you need to finish the second phase so you send up two pack to the space elevator and he did it in like 20 minutes or something like that which is insane- I can't even like get past the tutorial in 20 minutes, it's really cool to see how much that like run has been optimized and this is, this is a pre-update 8, run so like there's a bunch of glitches that you can long longer do unfortunately, but it's a really cool run and I they also showcase that on games onqu, last year during like one of the what's it called the hot fix or not the hot I can't remember what their their show is called like in between gdqs but, they also did that, online where they did the entire game in like 40 minutes or something like that, which is also insane you can check out these runs on speedrun archive.com if you're interested, and check out the speedruns because they're they're insane I would I actually would think considering doing like a thing where maybe we should get a couple of people together from the office and like watch the world record for the game and do commentary over that because I think that could be fun to do, because these runs are there so much work that goes into it and Epiphany is really good at like, it's weird to think about it but like there's a lot of, like there are glitches and stuff and I think that's something they always associate with Beed runs but there's also a bunch of like movement mechanics and stuff like that that really comes down to training like like learning and doing, and, it's insane to see how fast he is at doing stuff mhm, like placing down machines and putting inputs and outputs and like opening menus and all that stuff like that's insane to watch that so definitely recommend checking out the gamston quick archive and check out the speedrun for satisfactory from 2024 it is very cool, five years of death for 40 minutes yeah actually, so yeah that's fine it's taking me 101 hours now to reach phase three even I wanted to ask you about that how far have you gotten so far in in your session no no okay are you but what phase are you in I am in phase three now I just unlocked TI five and six yeah I can build trains now finally and, snoot I'm scared this is when the game starts it's actually you've played the tutorial up until now yeah I realize and it took me like forever to just get coal J going and I don't know like like just fathoming trying to like trying to connect points by building trains at this point like- I don't know like can I can I go back to like Final Fantasy one you don't have to you don't have to build a trains actually in my play through right now I've I've removed all my train routes and I'm just do builts right now which is a nightmare by itself but, it's it's it's like a fun challenge I have for myself right now but I might go back to trains actually cuz it's so much more convenient but, oh no I'll commit to no trains then yeah no runs no train run which is essentially what the also fun fact there's a speedrun category which is just like how fast can you go and pit the liago I think that's really


funny, but yeah that's that's pretty much the stream for today it's going to be like a bit of a soft soft start this week, and then we'll back in full force again next week with more stream and what not do you have any closing remarks, good okay cool no just kidding hoping to get the studio in the office done soon for some just proper audio and video call streams yeah, and, soft spoilers for the game Jam video, it turned out great honestly like the entire team is carrying that video I am not doing much at all, what I did do was I scuffed the audio of basically the entire thing, enti through Friday no no Tuesday through Friday are perfectly like a and usable I was still like learning how to balance audio with the mic on, for those four like last days, but they sound like fine too good great even Monday is, Monday might be a just just we'll just put a AI on it AI will generate all the audio and and it'll read lips a can maybe not that's pretty funny actually yeah that would be awesome yeah so hopefully yeah thankfully yeah but hopefully we get that get that video out this week yeah yeah oh I'm grinding I'm grinding don't don't die this man is making me grind yeah so cool all right then that's going to be a stream y'all thanks for tuning in we need to find someone to raid as well we need to close off on that, bits is playing cool p is it playing p no wait raid like it be funny one time we actually raided, E3, and we had we had like a couple of thousand people watching it's like all right let's raid E3 and see what happens and like we just saw like and then chat disappeared and that was it it was like all right we tried it was a fun fun thing to do but just that's that's just how it is sometimes yikes 10th year anniversary backpack for S F 14 this one yeah from FanFest in London I got it signed by, Fox clone as well it's a treasure it's mine forever damn son yeah probably rustling all over the mic right now that was rustling all over the mic right now oh I thought I said it's resting all over the way I'm resting dude that weekend was honestly like if not the best of my life it's pretty damn close that FanFest was, I don't know nuts we could talk about that some long time but yeah no like all right but not today because we're about to close off we have the perfect raid set up so I don't know if you guys seen this I wish we could have done this on, on the, Community highlights but, somebody on a Reddit posted a really cool like sculpture of Godzilla and they're live right now working on it so we're going to rate muted artist player and check it out, and, what's what's a typical wait what's a typical Godzilla, that's a bit wait okay so the raid message is that's a big lizard Doo too many G there we go that's the raid message right there, am I late here too late we're about to end it, go there show them shower them with love, and, I'll we'll see you guys again next week see you around team yeah yeah so until then take care byebye bye