December 8th, 2020 Livestream Snutt Talk: We had windows before Mods.

December 8th, 2020 Livestream

Snutt Talk: We had windows before Mods.

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of anything around them so I just want to show something real quick so I remember when we added update three we added a, a bunch of stuff that people were like oh did you did you steal this idea from mods and one of them were, windows and we're like oh yeah we stole them from no the mods stole them from us we had windows before anyway that is a very strange thing when like when, modders come out with something that everyone has asked asked for and then the community's like well look the modders did it first coffee stain ever thought of that of course we thought of it like yeah we've been making this game for so long no like pretty much no one's come up with anything original like that we haven't thought of before yeah, you know just sometimes we either, don't know how we want to do it or when we want to do it or if we want to do it but like I don't think anyone has come up with something that we've gone like huh wow we never thought of that for the game before so that's true I accidentally dismantled the miner


that was pretty good nice and I didn't get the material back I guess or something I don't know what happened there but yeah it's true like the I say it a lot like we've had so much time to think about this game like to to, we worked on this for four years or three years before we even unveiled it, and, the did I build this, and we just had so much time to think about things and like directions we could take the game with and it's nice to see like when people make mods to like confirm that oh this is something that we are intending to have in the game at some point it's nice to confirm that people like it, enough to make a mod for it you know and sometimes it's also nice to see like this is not a direction we wanted to go with but then somebody made a mod and we're like oh this is what this is what satisfactory could have looked like an in a alternate dimension or something you know like it's nice to see both both ends so, I don't want to like, put any shade on mods for be like we did have windows, it's just yeah no no it's like it's it's it's more of a jab at people who make fun of us for being like dumb like not exactly stuff right like like whoa why didn't lately windows before it's like of course