July 13th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Are you going to work on the clipping issues?

July 13th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Are you going to work on the clipping issues?


This question has 3 related videos
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-FINyC10cD3U">[https://youtu.be/FINyC10cD3U YouTube - July 13th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Are you going to work on the clipping issues?]</ref>


are you guys going to work on the clipping issues, I don't know which clipping issues you're talking about exactly but if you mean like buildings that clip a little bit or trains that clip a little or something like that I don't think that there's gonna be I don't well first of all I don't think they're issues right like like if if you don't want to clip something into another building like just don't do it just don't clip right the game says you can build there but it clips just don't build there right what like there's actually no difference between that and the game forcing you not to be able to build there, the cool thing about sometimes being able to clip, is that some people don't care about the clipping and so they can just continue to play the game as they want to and it doesn't really matter to them so it depends what the clipping is the clipping issue is yeah you make the choice to clip things exactly some people don't care and so it's nice that, those people can then just continue playing as they want to play instead of us forcing them to you know could get kind of could get kind of, frustrating for them you know if they don't care about clipping but they constantly have to rebuild things doesn't really matter too much