September 3rd, 2024 Livestream
Q&A: Can you get achievements before 1.0?
01:17 There are also Epic Achievements
01:25 Achievements will be disabled with Advanced Game Settings
01:55 Mods will not disable Achievements
This question has 6 related videos
- November 5th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Is there a way to get an Achievement I missed when completing a Phase?
- September 24th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Do console commands kill Achievements?
- August 27th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Are achievements disabled if the session is Modded?
- May 28th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Will Achievements be earned on pre-1.0 saves?
- December 5th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Can we get a Steam Achievement for playing before 1.0?
- June 13th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Are Advanced Game Settings related to any Achievements?
Suggested Wiki Reference Code
<ref name="yt-FI5ICUZq9Js">[ YouTube - September 3rd, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Can you get achievements before 1.0?]</ref>
- Features > Achievements
- Features > Game Modes > Advanced Game Settings
- Retail > Epic Store
- Mods
- Satisfactory Updates > Released > Satisfactory 1.0
- Features > Buildings > Space Elevator
- Retail > Steam Store
by the way I saw some comments about this too people commenting that like I'll wait until 1.0 comes out before I start, like playing the game to grab achievements, there's no way to grab achievements, until 1.0 comes out like they're they're hard locked there's no way to get them they're not implemented at all in update so there's no way to get them, and also want to clarify something in regards to achievements we should probably talk about achievements actually because, we dropped achievements, lastek yeah, which was intentional by the way I'm not sure that was clear or not, we knew that we're going to just like randomly show up here, out of thin air at some point and I thought they were going to show up earlier because we actually discussed this, internally a while ago that once we announced phase five that was the last spoiler in achievement so that after that point it was free to to post them but, I think everyone was busy so they didn't have time to get around to post them until now but yeah achievements are out there you can totally look them up if you want to, there are four hidden achievements and the rest 40 are, visible on they're visible on Steam page right now you own the game, and, they won't change they're going to be those achievements, you can expect there's also going to be achievements on Epic I'm not sure if they actually show up before 1.0 but there are also epic achievements that you can activate and also achievements will be completely locked out of the game if you have have AGS Ron so if you're playing the game with Advanced game settings you will not be able to unlock any achievements in that session, which includes like all these that don't are that aren't affected by AGS like every single achievement is just locked out of the game if you enable AGS so just bear that in mind if you if you're one of those people like want to unlock achievements but you also want to start late so yeah unfortunately no I also got word from bur and con we talked about this actually on Discord yesterday, just in community in the chat, but Burke and conr confirmed yesterday that mods do in fact not disable achievements so feel free to play with mods I'm still Le so that's how you cheat achievements yeah basically yes yeah all right I think that's that's mostly it for that was a really short wrap up I guess achievements whatever, so yeah