December 15th, 2020 Livestream Q&A: Do you guys crunch or do you actually care about stuff like health?

December 15th, 2020 Livestream

Q&A: Do you guys crunch or do you actually care about stuff like health?

This question may have been asked previously at least 1 other time, as recently as February 2020.
This question has 4 related videos
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-Ev8CEXznWsE">[ YouTube - December 15th, 2020 Livestream - Q&A: Do you guys crunch or do you actually care about stuff like health?]</ref>



you guys crunch or do you actually care about stuff like I don't know health so we have always said that we're we don't believe in crunch culture we don't want to crunch, and you know we we value that really, a lot that's not as to say we've never crunched, we have crunched we crunched for update three a bit, I don't know you know I'm speaking from my perspective here because- I didn't crunch for update three but I know some people did a coffee stain and it is discouraged, like our ceo is pretty preemptive that we don't want people to crunch sometimes we'll give people the opportunity to crunch, not crunch but like work overtime I guess I get this there's a bit of a definition clarification here as well between like crunch and overtime like working overtime doesn't necessarily always mean that you're crunching, but crunching definitely involves over time you know so we try to not crunch we have been in that situation before, and we'd like to avoid it if we can we've been very adamant about it this year and that's also why kind of like update 4 got pushed back, I'm not pushed back but like why people haven't been seeing as many updates as before it's because it was just we're figuring this out as we go as well and we kind of realize when we're working like update two and then update three we're getting more and more ambitious with our updates and we're gonna realize that we can't do it at that rate that we're doing it because it's gonna it's gonna turn into crunch so that's why we kind of like took a step back and we're going to look at how we are going to implement our updates that's why we made that video with burke the fireside chat with burke he explains this kind of situation where we would rather think long term than trying to like dish out updates non-stop because long term means that we can focus on something in the distance and have you know a better way of planning for rather than trying to like be like okay we want to update four we gotta have this and this and this and update four and that could potentially lead to crunch or overtime and stuff like that so it's not as if like we've worked zero overtime hours at coffstein we certainly have, but we really don't want to and it's it's like it's very important for us that we don't do it and fro from my perspective like yeah it's that's what we're working towards