May 7th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: If the Closed Beta said everything was perfect, could you go ahead and release?

May 7th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: If the Closed Beta said everything was perfect, could you go ahead and release?

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if the close beta said everything is perfect could you just go ahead and release or is it still a to-do list either way there is a to-do list there's, there's a it wasn't perfect the close Beta had some issues that we needed to resolve, and that was sort of the point of that because we wanted to Fe get some feedback from people that haven't worked on the game for you know a couple of years, or like people that could give us sort of fresh eyes on the state of things because we actually had a lot of, discussions internally as to like how do we this this actually took years for us to figure out- I don't know if we still have figured out at this point honestly but people seem to dig it so I guess we did but, for a long time we were like but what should 1.0 contain like what should what does the game need to have for us to be able to say that like this is a complete game, like that was something we just started discussing back in like 2020 2021, and now we're at the point where we actually feel like we have everything, but even then there were still a few things that like made it feel people felt like you know there's some Polish needed in certain aspects, and, yeah that's that's good feedback to get and and like now that we have that feedback that like we sort of get that last sen check that like the stuff that we put together for 1.0 does complete the game at least according to the people that tested it, so, now that we know that we can you know polish up that version of the game, so that's what we're doing now and, that's what we're going to be doing until the day we die or until the game comes out which other comes first, it will probably be the latter one, but not guaranteed but not guaranteed