February 6th, 2019 Livestream Q&A: What's the biggest bug you guys have seen so far?

February 6th, 2019 Livestream

Q&A: What's the biggest bug you guys have seen so far?


This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: June 2nd, 2023 Video Q&A: What was the strangest bug G2 has come across? https://youtube.com/embed/Jqj6l9wXip4?autoplay=1&start=558&end=639

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-Dtm6xIj-wM4,3623.301698,3734.266666666667">[https://youtube.com/embed/Dtm6xIj-wM4?autoplay=1&start=3623&end=3735 YouTube - February 6th, 2019 Livestream - Q&A: What's the biggest bug you guys have seen so far?]</ref>



mmm there you go what's the biggest bug you guys have seen so far I got a good one you do yeah go ahead okay oh this is a good one I like I'm thinking to turn him into a video it's an idea that we've had but people have been a little hesitant to show like you heard it here first folks but this is gonna be a girlfriend it was I hope I don't go on too long about this but it was with the vehicles and I had a test level with a ramp and if you drove up the ramp to a certain point and hit the brakes then the and and on the map that was a we tested these teleporters and I have no idea it was gonna happen alright I actually genuinely don't but we had these like test teleporters and there was one on the other side of the mountain and if you drove this vehicle up on this rent to a certain point and hit and then stopped it disappeared and drove out of the teleporter we're like what the hell is going on right and if you go in the vehicle and you stop it so like before if you stopped at me hop down with root cellar if you're in it you died and the game crashed and then we had no idea what was going on and we found out that it was triggering a plant later as well that was crashing and we had no idea what was going on and then we realized that I had added camber support which is to make the wheels do this and in one case there was a the possibility to divide by zero and so then that would happen put infinite forces on the vehicle the vehicle became infinitely as big and then it crashed right but if it went infinitely is big and it hit the teleporter then it overlapped the teleporter and drove out of it beautiful yeah that's a good one beautiful I love [ __ ] like that where it's like you have to smooth out what the hell is happening yeah it was bizarre yeah that was a hard one question for you what is the sense of