February 6th, 2019 Livestream Q&A: Can you do a mass-key release of 50000 if Lord Simon allows it?

February 6th, 2019 Livestream

Q&A: Can you do a mass-key release of 50000 if Lord Simon allows it?


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Doku gun room you can we doing mascara lease of 50,000 if Lord Simon allows it no but this is a good quest like things to lead into a lot of people saying why don't you send out more alpha keys why don't you just send it to everyone more people means more feedback and that will help and that's not all exactly true if we get too many people in we will get more feedback but there is such a thing as too much feedback and if we get too much feedback then we will not be able to wade through the noise and try to find what's important and fix things so that's kind of why we limit the number to something that is always manageable for us and we don't bite off more than we can chew the other reason is and this is a probably a bit too straightforward but ultimately the elf the Alpha keys and the Alpha is actually not for you it's for us to develop the game so I know like a lot of people say I've just been looking forward to the game just give it to me right it's like but we're like hang on we need to get the right people that we want the right amount and at the right time so sorry if that doesn't give everyone what they want but we're doing what's best for us so that the game gets as good as it possibly can be and there's also the aspect of first time plate like your first time experience you only get one of those so whenever we test stuff and we start adding news like that will change the first time user experience so if we gave the keys to everybody they would all experience the game at that point at the same time and then we wouldn't have the opportunity to address any of the issues that the first time experience that yes yeah so that's also one big thing why you might hold off on testing on some people so to speak you are one of the