February 6th, 2019 Livestream Q&A: What resources do you use to help with level design, story writing & world building?

February 6th, 2019 Livestream

Q&A: What resources do you use to help with level design, story writing & world building?


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working on it okay Hannah resources do you use for a level design I just work in unreal mostly we have for example an important tools the foliage tool that we use a lot and we work a lot with the landscaping a lot of static meshes that we drag into the level as well it's all think of it as like I don't know playing The Sims but natural world kinda like that as for writing it's mostly I do research a lot especially considering like this is a more technical oriented game I try to familiarize myself with the the science that gets behind things and the technology that gets fine things but I also try to sort of you know it's my brainchild so mostly my brain that's a pretty useful tool someone has asked