November 30th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Why doesn't Snutt have a strong accent?

November 30th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Why doesn't Snutt have a strong accent?

This question may have been asked previously at least 1 other time, as recently as November 2021.
This question has 4 related videos
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-DYb3hFnv9iA">[ YouTube - November 30th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Why doesn't Snutt have a strong accent?]</ref>



why doesn't snoot have a strong accent I don't know why why don't you have a strong accent I could have a strong accent if you want me to yes from now on please from now on I will speak like my database teacher who I every time I do this accent I think about him because this is literally how we talked yeah the volvo accent exactly the volvex yeah so I don't know if you heard this jace I think I talked about this on my stream but apparently it's a thing at like volvo that, like all the people that work at volvo are like you know a lot of people that work at vulva are boomers this is fact okay this is established and like they have that like swedish english that that accent like with swedish but it's english because like english wasn't compulsory in school until like 80s or 70s I think like something like that so like my generation we've had english as a main course since like pretty much since like second degree or something like that right, so but but a volvo apparently when everyone ever starts at volvo everyone speaks spanglish and the thing about that is like when you hear someone talk like that you start doing it yourself so even if you're good at speaking english you you revert to that like english, I've done that too I've been I've been in situations where like people are speaking english and they all speak in that very specific swedish way and that's slipping back into it and that makes me slip into it yeah, and that's what happens with me with australia oh really yeah I can yeah yeah if I'm around too many like australian speakers for too long I start to like revert back to australia yeah so, so it's it's like a thing so it's just a thing at volvo that like every everybody speaks swing spanglish and it's it's it's referred to as the volvo english in certain places interesting and everyone who's worked at volvo has corrected me on this or like pointed this out to me like yep that's true that's exactly how it is interesting I have to ask my friend because my friend works at volvo yep his accent isn't super thick but he has like kind of a unique accent but I'll have to, I'll see I'll ask him and I'm not saying like every bubble speaks like that but it's like, it's like a common thing or whatever at least in gothenburg that's where most of my friends that I've appointed told me about this well with that we should have answered all the volvo related questions yeah you guys speak english so well you sound very american you know that's a really really big compliment to snoot and not at all a compliment oh that's kind of funny actually- I only speak english I'm an english speaker like yeah I'm an englishman but