August 27th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Who does the sound design, they deserve a raise?

August 27th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Who does the sound design, they deserve a raise?

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who does the sound design at CSS they deserve a raise o I will make sure that Sasha knows that thank you there there's, so there's a bunch of people because there's been been a bunch of people working on the game it's been like U and then and now Sasha is working on sound design and then I think Dennis and, and, there's there's like a lot of people that have involved in this, and it also has to do with like you know making the sound design but also implementing it it's also a big aspect of it and it takes a lot of time and part of the reason why the sound design is so good in our game is also the fact that we've had been able to pay people to actually sit down and implement it and they're the sound designers themselves usually what happens when you make games is you have like a sound designer or someone that you like pay just for, like on a project term like you just like make a bunch of sounds and then we implement it ourselves, but at Coffee we actually actually have like a dedicated person who's doing sound design and doing implementation of sound design in engine, and we we really feel like that's way better, because then you can actually take it a little bit step further it's not just like play the sound especially in our game when it's so complicated, with there's so many, like situations where when you're like in your factory you don't want every single machine to play sounds because then you would get destroyed, so like we have a bunch of systems that are smart at like ducking certain sounds and making sure that the sound that should play that's like interesting to listen to as actually playing, so and it's kind of interesting when you have like the fly mode on you fly around in your factory, if you pay attention to like what is what are you actually hearing right now and like where are you in proximity to the sound and stuff like that, it's really interesting to see like how how those systems sort of play out, but yeah it's they do a great work I think, and and actually fun story when when, Sasha actually reached out to me I think it was yesterday he was like did you did you sound design like the entire video and I was like no actually I just played the sound from where the capture would made and it's just like kind of in engine and he was he was like amazed like wow actually sounds really good usually doesn't sound that good if you just do that but apparently it is yeah