June 7th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Can you make a Console port after 1.0?

June 7th, 2022 Livestream

Q&A: Can you make a Console port after 1.0?


This question was possibly replaced with a more recent answer: May 14th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Will 1.0 finally have full Controller Support? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gy_HyXoaHgY

This question has a related video, and a related topic
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-DU3eDSo4WZM">[https://youtu.be/DU3eDSo4WZM YouTube - June 7th, 2022 Livestream - Q&A: Can you make a Console port after 1.0?]</ref>



make a console port after 1.0 it is always possible we don't have plans for console at the moment, so I can't say for sure what's gonna happen there but it would be like it would be cool it would be cool to have satisfactory on console it would be cool to have satisfactory on like linux and mac and that stuff we are not 100 sure if we are gonna have like full control support which is like I guess the main giveaway there because we are designing the game for like keyboard and mouse first and you know if we add features where we just can't translate it to controller then we're kind of screwed but we also don't want to feel like we're stuck with like oh we can't add this feature because we have to have controller support like we don't think that's that's, what's the word like we don't think that's fair for the game as it is on pc because it is a pc game first and foremost like there's no getting around that, and it feels weird like I know that sucks because there's a lot of other reasons other than like having console ability and like accessibility options as well kind of sucks for those people as well, but that's how it is right now but maybe feasible it's always useful you gotta be smart enough
