April 25th, 2023 Livestream Blueprints Video

April 25th, 2023 Livestream

Blueprints Video

This clip deals primarily with summarising the previous week's YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDN_b6TX5gg posted over on the official @CoffeeStainStudios channel.

00:00 Intro
02:31 Q&A: What the fuck is a nudge?
03:21 Directional arrow
04:01 Quick Switch
04:42 Nudge Mode
06:52 Q&A: Can we have vertical Splitters?
07:06 Q&A: Why is Nudging limited?
08:25 Q&A: Vertical Nudging?
10:36 Blueprint Dismantle Mode
11:38 Q&A: Nudging & Hard Clearance, does it notice?
12:05 Q&A: What about a move tool in the Blueprint Designer instead of "dismantle everything"?
13:52 Outro


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-D6u-6nclNBg">[https://youtu.be/D6u-6nclNBg YouTube - April 25th, 2023 Livestream - Blueprints Video]</ref>



okay so let's move on to the next thing, blueprints there was a blueprints video last week if you didn't see it, let me get it for you, and I think that was a really really good I think it's a really good video what do you guys think of, nudge nudge nudge system I'm seeing if I can, geez whereby nudging nothing is great dismantle and not just great yeah I think so as well yeah which no judge know what I mean right Matt wink wink nudge nudge is great yeah huge yeah not just pretty cool when I saw that was amazing, let's watch it again together I'm not gonna watch the whole thing, I'm gonna try to get the video up a little bit let me, see because I am ad Hocking this pretty hard right now, I think I can do this all right maybe this one and then if I


, I think this is oh boy I'm so nervous all right let's see okay I think we're good here right is this correct okay all right I got you guys up again Zoop is cool the nudge Chad is crazy oh we've got division in the community division in the community who's team Zoop team nudge zoopers and nudgers to battle nudge is better oh team nudge we've got a couple zoopers all right if we have to take away Zoop or nudge What's it gonna be What's it gonna be chat what do we get rid of zodge Loop dual Paul we can't actually do polls unfortunately the is a nudge okay good question good question good question here we are good question, Romex 17. the is a nudge all right let's check it out let's see what's what's a nudge all right so nudging if you haven't seen this video yet, I think it's a hopefully that's the right URL if it's not then you're watching a weird video I guess, so nudging is gonna be so we put a video out last week this is me talking, about some changes that are coming so first of all, there have been some updates to blueprint snapping that is should have gone out over the past week or so, and so that should be a little better for starters God this guy I swear to God how do you deal with him right so I think this should be a little better, but then we we talked about, how it's hard to know what direction Things Are when you're building blueprints, where's that it's right here somewhere right and so we added this like little arrow at the front of blueprints now you guys see that over here yo you can't see my mouse but on the left-hand side right so there's an arrow that tells you what direction your blueprint faces in and that faces towards the console of the blueprint designer this is pasta future Jace this is me speaking this is me speaking current Jace, so that was added, also the ability to Quick switch between your blueprints is now a thing so you can just do that now all blueprints in a specific subcategory you can switch, just by tapping e this is the same system that's available for other buildables like, conveyor belts and, like production buildings as well so like if you pull out a Constructor and you tap e you can quick switch but you can also use the radial menu by holding e, who knows where that is in the video it's probably somewhere if I just let it play, all right so nobody be found okay anyway so that's another change that's coming it's quick switch and then we got to the, the nudging let's see here is this the nudge okay so the first the first part of this is this here where there's the ability now, that you can, you can lock your Holograms in place and then walk around them to see if they're placed correctly so that's the first thing that we're adding to blueprints but also all buildings right so you can lock these in place and you can move around and check am I happy with this hologram or not okay so that that that lock is like super super handy right but then you know it begs the question well like what happens if it is wrong well then I have to like reposition it's weird right so then we added this like nudge feature, which if you if after something is locked you can Boop it around like that so there, I'm just using the arrow keys up down left and right to nudge, a blueprint in different directions in one meter increments so this is super, super good what happens to H to hide the UI I don't know here apparently T is to hide HUD no okay so, yeah so this is super handy this is what nudging is you can just sort of nudge things around nudging has like a max distance as well, but that's the the smallest max distance you can have is eight meters so you can nudge anything at least eight meters or half of its, the buildable size, which in cases like this it would be eight meters because it's a very small building, but if you have a particle accelerator it's much bigger you can now nudge a little further and we find that that's easy so, better so like basically what that means is as the buildings get bigger and more difficult to, position right then the more control you have with your nudging which I think makes it make sense yeah tea to hide HUD exactly to hide can we have vertical splitters maybe vertical merges you can, request it on the QA site now questions on satisfaction game.com if you would like that do up vote anyone else that has requested it or requested yourself why is nudging limited why not let players nudge forever if they want to so one reason nudging is is, limited is first of all we do to some degree but we're not like full committing to this responsibility but to some degree we don't want you to be able to just like nudge into any weird situation like we still want to have like the purpose of nudging is not to break out of the rules that have been set by that we have set our building rules that we've set, for for players that's not the point of nudging it's supposed to assist with building larger buildables and that's its purpose so we don't we're not trying to give you more tools necessarily to to expand the way you build in this particular case it's to solve another issue, another thing is we just don't want you to be like nudged through walls and stuff too much and do like super crazy stuff even though you can do that to a certain degree so we're not going to like dive all the way in and be like you know controlling that too much but at the end of the day I think people especially creative Builders who, work with nudging will probably find really creative ways to use nudging which will allow them to do other things with their creative builds than, what was initially intended so vertical nudging there's no vertical nudging, I haven't gotten specific explanations for why there's no vertical nudging however the first the first feeling I get when I think of it is that a vertical nudging would would then change the way you build like completely right so that would be expanding upon things because right now if you want to build vertically you need to like put other things down put it underneath and like that's that's sort of a challenge to like get certain specific Heights that you want but but generally speaking like that that has like you know the game has never been this free build where you can build in any Direction you sort of have to build on stuff right so that's kind of been the case there and then if we gave nudging the ability to nudge up I think that would expand the current gameplay into something that it wasn't before but that doesn't mean it's a bad idea it's like not a bad idea, it would make sense I mean the question then is like do we want people to like mess around with small objects just so they can bump things up a little bit why not just give them that thing in with nudge who knows but that's, feedback that you guys can provide to the team for sure and do the QA site there as well and, let the team know what you think about that, I'm sure it's something the team has considered but if you think it'll be good do it however I will say I think it's really important to wait until you get these features before you give the feedback okay, I know that like the immediate reaction is well if we can nudge in these directions it would be nice if I can nudge in another Direction but the question is always when like designing a game is like well what does the game actually need and and not necessarily give too much unless it serves some some other purpose, and so it would the feedback would be more valuable to us if you have had experience with all the systems in place and you really feel look everything is great but I really really feel that I need this other functionality then then you know then you can provide that feedback to us and I think it would be more meaningful to us in that case but you know what I'm not going to stop you if you want to provide that feedback now before you've played it you can do that, but yeah yeah how's the building would I nudge you in not you in the right direction Knight Rider, okay so that's the nudge feature, was there anything else oh yeah of course there's, a new dismantle mode so previously you could Mass dismantle by selecting things manually but now there is a blueprint dismantle mode that you can press R to toggle between so this is normal dismantle mode this is blueprint and I'm tapping R back and forth and you can see that like I'm switching between normal and blueprint and the cool thing about this blueprint dismantle mode is that you don't need to keep a blueprint in the same condition that it was in the blueprint for it to be recognized as a blueprint so you can add conveyor belts to it after it's been placed you can delete certain buildings within the blueprint if you wish the game will still remember which buildings were part of that previous blueprint so you can still blueprint dismantle partial blueprints or blueprints that you've built things on you know extended right but the stuff that's been extended doesn't get grouped into the blueprint you would you would then have to go manually delete those things yourself so yeah doesn't notice yeah so nudging does detect like if you nudge deep into a wall or nudging into other buildings it does detect, from my testing, it does detect if you are you know aiming to build in an invalid location it does still do that what about a move tool in Blueprint designer instead of dismantle everything so this is something this is something that again you can provide that feedback to the team at questions.satisfactorygame.com so that you know so that they can see that you have that issue however there is kind of a solution for this and this is something that like I noticed when I've been making blueprints is because sometimes I do want to move the buildings within the blueprint design are forward a little but now I have to tear it all down and rebuild it again right but that's actually not the case because what you can do is you can, you can build well sometimes I don't know what is in the game for everyone else or not but this is I'm pretty sure this isn't here for everyone but you can build your blueprints, into the blueprint designer and then save those that layout right so you should be able to just delete everything and then select your blueprint build it where you want to be one meter forward and then and then save that blueprint and that should just work like and then overwrite your old one and that's the same thing and you don't have to rebuild the whole thing you just use that blueprint to build it where you want to build it on the designer and it's very easy that's in the game currently yeah I thought so, Lulu Joker thank you so much for the kind word appreciate it thank you thank you thank you that's really kind of you, Loop Inception yeah exactly that's a good hint yeah so that that I think, that solves that you should generally speaking but at the same time you can always let the team know if a lot of people have this issue and they can't find a solution then maybe we should provide one or better directions one yeah with a nudge feature that still should be even easier to do exactly yeah, so that was the blueprint video I don't know if I talked about much more no not really that was kind of it so yeah blueprint video hope you liked it I'll link it again in the chat here it is if you haven't seen it go there give it a like if you want you don't have to, okay