October 8th, 2021 Video Jace Talk: Block Signals

October 8th, 2021 Video

Jace Talk: Block Signals


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-CskxkIepX6Y,355.3883666666667,468.53473333333335">[https://youtube.com/embed/CskxkIepX6Y?autoplay=1&start=355&end=469 YouTube - October 8th, 2021 Video - Jace Talk: Block Signals]</ref>



in order to understand what a block signal is you need to understand what a block is for starters when I was trying to understand the stuff I was like but what's a block so like what is a block okay a block is quite simple it's just a segment of track okay so like here's here's just a a a train line it's just a single train line with no signals and this entire track is then one block it is one segment of track it is one block now block signals can divide up segments of a track or blocks of a track into multiple segments or multiple blocks okay so here's the same train line as before but I've just put two block signals down in in different spots and now now this, train line that used to be one segment is now three segments as you can see here okay so that's that's what a a block is you know in a nutshell basically block signals will prevent a train from entering another block if there's another train occupying that block any part of a train occupying that block so a really kind of like easy to understand really easy use case here would be, train stations essentially so it's a really good idea to put like a block signal before and after a train station so what that's essentially going to do is it's going to turn the train station into a into a block right so while a train is in there unloading and loading no other train can enter that block and so here's an example of that so you can see that there's a block signal at the entrance and it's red while there's the train in the station once that train station kind of leaves, it goes green and the other train is allowed to enter the train station so if there is any part of a train in a block all the block signals leading into that block will be red and disallow entry to other trains and when that block becomes empty then the block signal leading into that block will turn green and entry to other trains will be allowed so you might be wondering what happens if you don't have block signals leading into a train station well this happens basically block signals are kind of the simple basic train signal and should handle most cases the other kind of signal we