July 9th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: How many lines of code are in the FactoryGame.uproject?

July 9th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: How many lines of code are in the FactoryGame.uproject?


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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-CWtv_tw1128">[https://youtu.be/CWtv_tw1128 YouTube - July 9th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: How many lines of code are in the FactoryGame.uproject?]</ref>




how many lines of code are in the factory game. project not that many because you specifically said Factory game. Pro and the U project file is very small or do you mean like it's does it say I don't think it says in the U project file how many are I got a look right now




is 448 lines in the U project file H probably not the answer you were actually looking for but the way you phrase that question I'm a programmer from start okay baby big facts the only thing that in the U project file by the way are like, like setups for the project itself it doesn't actually contain any code for the


game does that include comments there are no comments in this file this file isn't you don't program in this file like this Pro File is like automatically updated by Unreal Engine like when you add plugins or whatever that's defined in that file it doesn't actually contain like it contains information about the project but it doesn't actually contain anything that's related to the game anyway