November 15th, 2022 Livestream Dylan, Mark, and Snutt Talk: Zipline Sprint

November 15th, 2022 Livestream

Dylan, Mark, and Snutt Talk: Zipline Sprint

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we're getting there zip line yeah zip line is a little tricky to show off, at the moment we're gonna do more with that, where's the Goddamn thing oh I'm still on that scene, because one tricky thing with zip lines at the moment is like you can only go you can only go so far I actually need to make the zipline do I have the materials for that I'm sure that I think you do you need to ethereum yeah I don't think I can show it off unfortunately but, but even if I had the zip line it would be kind of tricky to show it off because I've got the components by just building something and dismantling I could but, see here what do you need for the zip line, I need to go to the store I usually have this bound that's why I'm like looking forward so much there we go, zip line we need a zapper which we have quick wire iron Rod evil what makes what building needs quick wire it's like the, it's the power switch no, fuel generator I swear there was like some the fuel generator needs it yeah give me that I probably need a lot though yeah I didn't know yeah yeah and iron rod could possibly this is such a weird way to do this but, this is how we wear it is on the dev Bill sometimes and then cable didn't I get cable from this bad boy then we do this oh sorry if we do this don't tell me wow we get more wire that bug has been in the game forever what oh maybe we fixed that bug actually because I just think it's so consuming from the inventory when you build with it though yeah, Constructor needed 30. shitload of things yeah why does your Zep bring your ass wait oh it's my hand there we go we got there in the end dude MLG decide you play Satisfaction yes sure, so like the problem with, with a little bit of problem with the zip line is like you kind of need to, keep jumping between pull from Pole, so it is a little bit tricky to generate enough speed and you kind of need to go far because we don't generate like a ton of speed when you when you sprint it kind of builds up over time, in the video fun fact it's actually hooked up a hypertube cannon right next to the the the the the wire so I shot myself out of the hyperdoodle cannon, and then attached to, the wireless no but you still maintain the speed so I just I just skipped that part, but essentially when you hold, Sprints and it's possible we might add some like VFX to this as well to show like you are sprinting, but you do build up like a ton of more speed now than you used to like this is already oh dude the dude classic


, but you're all building up a lot more speed while the shadow looks so cool love it looking good yeah, because if I don't hold it if I yeah this is the max speed and if I hold it I can kind of see it speeding up yeah yeah it's nothing yeah a bit of a faster yeah yeah but I'm like nowhere near close to the the max speed though because the the general speed is like three what's the unit three thousand thirteen fifty 350 and like the new one is like six I think it's five thousand four hundred yeah wow so you can go really fast it's four times as fast yeah, what's what's the like we don't if you break your leg it's not our fault it's up to you yeah zipline cannot exactly do that, it's a lot of fun I had a lot of fun making that little small thing Imaging, it's easier if you do if you have like a top bed, like I did in the video I think I made something like this I made I put down like wall outlets on the ceiling, let me have to manually reconnect watch this whoa whoa all right it works don't worry about it I think what I did was I took a pillar no I oh and this is what I did I took one of these small pillar support


is that there and then took a small concrete pillar add that up then I took a beam beam, don't worry about it, and made like five and then I put I like the floating Point around in there five point zero zero zero zero zero one yeah at least it's accurate yeah yeah and then wall outlets bad save that blueprints hole it's a matter you can't even I like it too because you can't even build Miners and stuff in the blueprint or right no yeah so oh can you but I hope not what happens if you place the blueprint designer on top of a node oh yeah it used to work but no it specifically disallowed oh bad people you know I never want to say never because people will find a way to do this yeah I think you guys can pull it off all right so now we have the, second part oh whoops that's not the one I need a quick, button to the pole there it is very nice yes I don't know the full length of this I had I guess I have to guess a little bit this is nice I don't have to dude I'm not going farther what I'm gonna put it on my Hotbar oh my God someone's gonna throw up there though or out there yeah some like this challenge accepted that's that's kind of attitude we like that's the kind of go get an attitude we like here to fix it one more pull yes it's like a little bit easier when you have like this, top fed


come on Bob's and then we place a God my neck is stiff from sitting like this, where is it the transportation this is why I always get confused so I have stretch issues, let's see here oh this is perfect yeah yeah yeah yeah and then power we automatically get it don't worry about it let that boot up and then slide into this mother here we go oh I suck at this game one more time yeah so it's a nice power yeah yeah maybe maybe it doesn't work when you slide into the maybe fix this bug there we go yeah it definitely makes me yeah yeah I know, I missed the I didn't know about that though don't tell the dance no I didn't know about that either we're not fixing that no it's a good bug though I'm pretty sure to be as nice about that and he's just like no I'm not gonna fix it dude he never wants to fix any of the fun bugs why would he yeah why would you people always people still ask me if we're gonna fix the, the hyper Cannon thingy and we've never attempted to and I don't think I don't think we will we had to talk about it early on when it was, discovered yeah because it does have the potential to Crush the game yeah yeah but I think it was Tim who was like but that's fun though there you go it's just kind of fun yeah I'm in the game like if you try it that far and the game crashes or you're really gonna be well yeah I mean it looks like the game it's going so wrong it looks like the game should turn out correct I forgot to hit sprints they also turned around because I was going backwards there we go- I forgot to hit Sprint again because it breaks if you don't hit Sprint it breaks it stops you on the this is the favorite speed run I've ever seen it wasn't a good example but maybe you got the point like it's going we're going that's pretty good yeah it's getting pretty good pretty good you redeemed yourself hold on not really big these in chat, yes
