November 15th, 2022 Livestream
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<ref name="yt-CREPrQ23Dt4,625.4333333333333,1018.952724">[ YouTube - November 15th, 2022 Livestream - Intro]</ref>
foreign you're in my house this is this is not my house it could be if you want to hey everybody Welcome to, the extra experimental release experimental release this is the excremental release experimental release experimenter experiment you know how people always make fun of me the way I say experimental or experimental do they or is it like one guy there's a bunch of people that do it okay I wasn't aware no it's a good time sorry to hear that yeah, anyways so the stream is experimental the release is also experimental yeah everything who knows what's gonna happen yeah maybe this cup will go here dude I set that up and you just ruined it can I just want to mention this sure speaking of cups I don't know who who made this or who sent this to us but this is genius, you know what I think Dave said that too was it I think it's a prototype yeah, it's like it's like the front of a pipe as a coaster it's genius what do you guys think what do you guys think ASMR yes I wonder how that will sound because there's a ton of noise, cancellation production yeah cancellation so maybe maybe I need to say something while I do it hey everybody Welcome to the stream welcome to the stream everybody can you hear this I'm just tapping in your brains right now that's right time to go to sleep everybody nothing to see here God I'm so curious what that sounds like well we got the VOD to check it out yeah I'm excited since so many people complain about the audio levels last time I've I've added a ton of compression oh really okay so hopefully everything sounds good, let us know if something sounds off you mean I mean off more than usual yeah, oh yeah this is not a normal setup right it's a special occasions here so we're not always like we don't get to like trial the audio settings and all that kind of and like try it again the next week we don't get to do that because we're usually at home so kind of last second every time hopefully we can build a set and like have it as our streaming set but yeah yeah we always that would be pretty sick there's some funny comments today every time I look at that there's some stupid there it's good but louder than you you sure I mean that's good right is it too loud is it okay is it not loud enough usually nice shirt Jake yes it sounds like the weeds okay I don't think that's a compressor issue maybe we'll see Jace is muted wow incredible classic last time we were supposed to mute both of us and I apparently I only muted me oh yeah that was so stupid man that was so stupid stupid voice meters because I have it on a button on my stream deck usually yeah because I have like I have to do it manually but I forgot that it's like editing this is why I have trust issues because like usually whenever snoot's like all right no one can hear us now I'll say some really unhinged stupid, and then I couldn't believe you know when I checked the the last stream yeah you could still hear me yep it's about to talk about my rash again very loud so here's the thing guys you can turn down the volume on your computer, but that makes it less loud but is it also is it like is it like peaking or distorting yeah like is that is quality bad yeah if it's is it too loud that it's bad or is it just a lot of snow it's fine quality is good now you're good good you can't do that we have to wait about six minutes to hear from YouTube folks yeah because we have, we have, closed captions on YouTube and that you have to have like a certain delay on YouTube if you want to have that okay, people it's fine someone said I need to get like a Sensei beard I actually had a really big beard like the biggest beard I've had in my life up until Monday, and then, by changing decisions- I shaved it up for charity really damn I didn't actually I don't know where I was going with that that'd be so funny if you could do that though I'm sure there were people who've done it if they're known for their beards you could probably shave yours for charity snow shave your beard for charity I know you can do it for your hair but I don't think I have a single beard you do for your hair I already well oh do you think do you think they'll like it yeah I mean it would be one dollar for every millimeter of hair should do that should sound like just a envelope of just stubs yeah and they like weigh it first and be like this was 400 grams of hair I grew it all by myself yes I've collected, free range I just just like roaming The Meadows I'd rather not think about it yeah Jay shave his head I think I would shave my hair for charity yeah maybe I should do one day it's a good feeling and then you don't have any hair for a while and you're like oh oh I was worried being curious, I was gonna say yeah so he's bald that's not his natural hair who would have thought why aren't you wearing your beanie it's it's a beanie season for for for sure no look I wanted to change it up all right tonight all right, so yeah welcome everybody to your stream we're going to be releasing, the update seven the update seven there's only gonna be one update seven it's true today at 3 P.M CET which is kind of unusual for us because usually we wait until like the end of the stream to release but this time around we're gonna actually be changing it up a little bit so we're gonna be releasing it at 3 P.M but we're gonna keep streaming for a little bit after that and, we're gonna be having like, Mark and and a couple of people that we worked on the update to talk about stuff I know a lot of people have questions about blueprints specifically because we dropped the video last week and I've seen yes yes a lot of really good like discussions and I've also seen a lot of questions yes and I mean all that will be answered when the update comes out but we're also going to answer it here on stream yeah, if you're not if you're not able to download the game right away for instance it also just might be interesting to hear like you know the the the people who worked on it a bunch talk about it and here they're taking on various things or why they've done what they've done so you know might be might be interesting potentially they know what's up you know in theory yeah but but first