November 15th, 2022 Livestream
Q&A: Does the Coal Generator fit?
This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: December 6th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Can Coalgens fit in the Blueprint Designer?
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generator fit not yet I don't think in this release yeah and I think the thing where last time we talked about it the the approach what we're going to do is we're going to change not the like look of the cool generator but unlike the physical look but maybe the the bounding box like the the thing you don't see, to be 32 by 30 32 high so it fits in the blueprint designer, just barely, because the only thing that affects I guess is like the soft clearance yeah yeah, but I mean it will also affect heart clearance because we will just reduce the clearance size okay yeah because the clearance for the gold generator is now the exact shape of the building gotcha so like the downside of that would be that you can potentially place a building within like the little top yeah I build a floor up there and then just build a Constructor through it but gotcha I think that's kind of up to I mean that's always been kind of up to players into itself clearance I think that's gonna be fine it's like the path of least resistance when it comes to like figuring out how to make that work because I think that's easier than like change because we try to change the model and it looked super silly yeah we changed it so that the pipe was like smaller but they made it made the whole gener look weird, so, yeah refiners do fit right they're 30 31 meters so I think you can even place a foundation on it which might be well exactly what we will do with the height of the cool generator clearance I said we will make it 31 meters so you can place a one meter Foundation underneath yeah it in here as well, let's see here whoops a Refinery I think refineries are like third, 30. oh maybe it doesn't say yeah but the refiner to stay in here- I saw that a lot of people are worried about that, and I probably should have made it like included in the video, because the buildings that don't fit are like nuclear power and, nuclear pasta, particular accelerator railroad railroad station there's also like the lights Tower, which is a bummer yeah radar Tower, it's mostly buildings that you usually don't put out put down too many off anyways like refiner you still have Refinery like late game Refinery party, so so we got you covered there, but they they yeah they all fit, one thing that I also kind of want to talk about is I saw a lot of people talking about how like yeah going back to the size right so so like a lot of people were that sure with Constructors is fine because that's a small building they're only like one by one but like if you're making like a manufacturer thing you can only fit like one really, like because you can yeah like that won't fit, I think it's important to note that like you know the idea isn't that you're supposed to be able to create the the thing that I made with the manifold with like it was eight, Constructors in one, like blueprint the idea isn't that you're gonna be able to do that with every building you're still gonna have to like to figure out how to make sense of like the different modules and fit them in the way that you want them, but you're still gonna be able to like you know set up a manufacturer and set up like all the the belts leading into it so you know if you have a setup where you have a manifold going into several manufacturers you can still set it up so that the movement makes sense for you in your build so that you can create that manifold really quickly, because a lot of the tedious stuff in our game really is like place in the building hooking it up setting the recipe you know a lot of that stuff is kind of managed when you put it in a blueprint, and I think a lot of the TDM comes from the belt work yeah it's a logistics setup especially for a building like this it's just such a hassle to set this up in a clean way yeah and once you figure out a nice way of doing it it's just really nice to be able to copy paste yeah and it's even like the case where maybe you want to do, you know you do all the belt work in one blueprint and then you do the machines and another one and then when you're placing them down you first do the blueprint with the the belt work and then or the other way around, so so like there's a lot of puzzling happening that- I think a lot of people might not, you know understand quite yet but it is it is quite flexible still even though you can put down you know a huge factor with one click yeah stacking Splitters is another one you know getting the direction going in the right way, just having a blueprint that's just like a stack of Splitters I think I mean and because you can set all the, recipes beforehand too yeah and, set up the overclocking yeah yeah which is nice so it can save you some little steps that