November 15th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: How long do you think it'll take for people to make a website that generates Blueprint files?

November 15th, 2022 Livestream

Q&A: How long do you think it'll take for people to make a website that generates Blueprint files?

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how long do you think it will take for people to make a website that can share, generate blueprint files, pretty sure that that already exists at this point maybe, and Thor is working on on, skim, has been working on this and I think Greenie who's been working on the the that's actually tools website so I'll look into that so and I'm sure there's going to be a couple of other, sites popping up there might even be a subreddit I saw someone so I think I saw someone mentioning that they created a subreddit for just sharing blueprint files, I don't think, we'll, like we have had, in our Discord and like on our, platforms we've been kind of adamant not to let people posts like save files and stuff like that because we're such a huge community and we're scared that like people will post like viruses stuff like that and I think we're going to keep that mentality for blueprints as well I mean we could potentially make a script that can like check the executable or whatever or I executable but the file people upload and make sure that it is following like the blueprint format potentially but I don't think we are going to do that because that's more work and boy howdy we don't have a boy we don't have enough work on our hands on this, but I'm sure there's going to be sites that that will allow that and stuff so it will be easy for you guys to share and talk about blueprints designs and share that stuff away but yeah please be careful if people are posting files and stuff like that because you you got to be careful on the internet okay don't trust only trust, trust your instincts I made a bad choice making the file extension.exe it's not it's done it's not, that's actually another good point because yeah right now it's two files yeah there's two files in there yeah one is the actual blueprint and that's all you actually need to get the blueprint, loaded and the game will recognize that there's another one that's like a satisfactory blueprint config file it has a long extension on the end and that just holds information about like the icon the description and, the color and that was just so we could change and set that data really easily without having a ton of network overhead for clients, so you only need the one but both if you want to keep your pretty picture and icon and everything yes but I think it is doable to get it in one file or question mark doable to get in one file yeah I mean everything's everything I mean you just you just put it into a zip no yeah I mean I had it in one file initially yeah so but then I stripped it out because it was causing more overhead than I figured they don't even need this, if they don't want it and for file sharing they just need the one so, already getting a little bit of good feedback actually, forget don't forget to post you don't want to post it here you want to post it in the queue on the QA side