May 7th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Mk.2 Pipe bug?

May 7th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Mk.2 Pipe bug?

00:00 Intro
00:26 People have noticed there are issues with the Mk.2 Pipes
01:12 However...
01:38 Stop! (Water) Hammer Time
02:42 It might not be a bug
03:11 Fluid dynamics might change
03:56 Fluid dynamics are confusing
05:37 Hope to talk more about it whether it's fixed or unchanged
06:04 No path has been committed to yet
07:42 Just to clarify...
08:24 Outro

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so so and it comes to the question of the mark 2 pipe bug so I actually have I actually have some this this this probably should be warranted enough for a video at some point or like a bigger discussion but so here's the thing okay so, gather on the campfire okay this is actually going to take a while to explain to talk about this I actually do want to talk about this, so so, for a long time people have been talking about like pipe UPS pip pipe bugs for the game specifically tied to the mark 2 pipes right, people have noticed like their issues where they don't go like get the full 600, throughput that's promised by the pipes right, now the thing is there are bugs in the game that are directly tied to pipes espeically and like when they're especially when they're like there are, floor holes or, pumps involved there are a couple of cases where yeah there are straight up bugs in the game with when those are involved that messes up the pipes and those have been fixed as far as I know from 1.0, however there's one thing where people are complaining that like when they're putting up setting up certain manifold setups with pipes they're not getting the full 600 throughput and a lot of people are always going like oh it's a bug in the game probably they'll fix it and and since we don't like fully understood the problem we've always been like oh yeah we'll look into it and and see if we can fix that, and we have looked into it and we've sort of concluded that it's it's not a bug it's like it's just the system does the way it's supposed to, it's not supposed to give you full throughput and cuz it's like there's like, I wish I could explain this properly I need to actually, have talks with G2 about this stuff cuz he knows more about it but there's something called like water hammering which is an actual fluid dynamics thing where like when you have like a stop in a pipe and you push water through it it will flush back and forth in the system or something, and and that's like that's something that happens in real life if you build pipes in that way that will happen, and there are ways to circumvent it when you're building manifolds so like the discussion is rather okay that's annoying should that be a feature in the game or not like it's not really a bug it's intended behavior in the way that we implemented fluid dynamics but it's kind of annoying and the fact that like people misunderstand it as being a bug that's the discussion that we're having right now, so like when people are asking now like hey, are you going to fix the mark 2 bugs with pipes now the question is rather, how like it might not be a bug it might actually be how the system is designed so the question is properly properly is probably rather should we allow like water hammering in the game or not or like should the fluid dynamics be less realistic so that this doesn't happen and it's possible to set up manifolds in certain ways and the thing is, if we do fix it and make it so that like this doesn't happen then fluid dynamics might change quite drastically for pipes throughout the entire game because then they won't function the same way because like that aspect of pipes, that's an aspect of like how fluid dynamics have been designed for the game so if we change if we're going to fix that we have to change how the fluid dynamics works and that can drastically change how other pipe networks are set up so like potentially if we do change it so that that doesn't happen that can actually change a lot of like existing systems, so so that's something that we are like delving into and and sort of trying to figure out how we want to tackle that there are pipe bugs that are like straight up pipe bugs yes, but like from the majority of cases when we've actually looked into it and and gotten people sa us and stuff, and we're actually debugging the pipes we we don't notice like an issue like per se it's an issue that like you can't get it to do what you want it to do but it's also like part of the fact that like fluid dynamics are confusing and, due to like how they work they behave that behavior comes from the fact of how they're developed m, so thanks for coming to my TED Talk we're I'm we're probably going to talk more about this in a future video or something because I think this is really interesting and I think this is something that we sort of need to talk more about and sort of communicate, as to why this is because it's kind of hard when like for a long time for the longest time like the interfacing of this has been that like I don't understand the problem and like people come to me and tell me like hey there's a bug in the game with pipes and they behave in a certain way way and I'm like all right cool- I don't know too much about it whenever I've set up pipes with 600 they've always worked for me, but that's just because I'm so big brain and know exactly how to set up pipes or I'm just lucky, it could be one of those two, and that's been sort of our experience as well like we've always seen people talk about the like all the mark 2 pipe bugs and blah blah blah and when we've been play testing ourselves we haven't really noticed it, and that's probably because like the way we play the game isn't how other people are playing the game so like when that does happen that sort of bubbles up and it becomes a whole discussion thing, so I hope I hope I can get back to you guys and talk more about this stuff and give you more like explanation like either if we don't fix it like give an explanation why it happens so that we can sort of AO avoid it and then maybe like make it easier for people in the community to be able to communicate like oh if you're running into this issue it's because of this and this and this and how you can like build to avoid it, and if we do change it like we can also talk about like what the change how it impacts the game and stuff like that, but but yeah bear in mind that like this is one of our we haven't I don't think we've committed to this yet, this is just our dis we're in the discovery phase of, solving this issue, and the discovery issue and this discovery facee is obviously like trying to understand the problem as as much as possible and it really isn't clearcut it's not as clearcut as like oh it's just a bug in the pipes, it's way more complicated than that, so so we're going to look into it we're going to see if we can come up with a solution that you know makes it good for everyone, and we'll get you guys along for the ride but it's annoying that it took us so long to get to the point now where we can have more of a that we actually understand the problem because I think for the longest time we sort of Taken everyone's input and be like okay it's just a bug I guess, with the piping, but now that we actually Del more into it and we understand it more behind the scenes, now we realize that like okay it's a little bit more complicated than that it's not just like an issue, it is an issue but it's not like yeah it's it's it's complicated essentially time to implement water baffles baffles, and- I don't know I when I talk to people we were pretty confident that like we think we're going to figure out it a solution to this, but, there might be a case where we need to like communicate more like how how to resolve this and why it happens, as well, but yeah again just to clarify there are pipe bugs as well so like sometimes it's also a combination of things where people are saying this effect because they're also running running into an actual bug that then trickles down into the system that makes it so that you don't get full 600, flow rate so like it it's it's a really complicated issue, and the more we dive into the more we're like H this is this is not just this it's like this this this this this as well, so but yeah like I mentioned we're still in sort of the discovery phase we're going to figure this out more and, let you guys know how it goes mhm I just found I just thought it was interesting that like it wasn't so clearcut I guess, so more news at 11 I guess so thanks for coming to my head talk, stay tuned for more, cool