February 4th, 2025 Livestream Q&A: Could we get trees/plant life in general as Decoration?

February 4th, 2025 Livestream

Q&A: Could we get trees/plant life in general as Decoration?


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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-CHrAzj0wSx0">[https://youtu.be/CHrAzj0wSx0 YouTube - February 4th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: Could we get trees/plant life in general as Decoration?]</ref>



could we get treesplant life in general as decorations at some point maybe this is also last I think that would be nice but you know that's me like because- I always love it when I see builds that like use the world specifically and they and they use the world specifically as decoration or they they work with it like the the the DBS and things like that but I think this would be for me a nice Edition because it's always like it's always a little depressing to see everything paved over I'm like oh no precious trees my precious little plants, but, yeah I would like that yeah yeah same personally yeah and we have had some discussions about that in ton as well and, again like Open Door, who knows when so there's I mean it's one of those things we like there is so much we could do at satis Factory still there's so much we could add yeah it's just about it's always that that like it's it's a huge list mhm and what do we think is most worth it and also not just that but what do we think is interesting to work on ourselves and like how much time and effort is still available for us to spend on this yeah it's there's a lot of stuff that comes with these decisions unfortunately yeah