December 12th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Max Overclocking Belt on a Pure node issue, what gives?

December 12th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Max Overclocking Belt on a Pure node issue, what gives?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: February 20th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Will 1.0 finally add a second output to the Miner Mk.3 or a faster Belt?

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here's another question that comes almost every stream, Max overclocking Mark 3i minor on a pure node is 1200 parts per minute but the fastest belt is 780 parts per minute what gives, so here here's the official answer to that question okay so if you place a minor on a on a pure node and you overclock it you can produce more parts than any belt in the game can carry right now and there's a couple of different ways that people have suggested we solve that either by like adding another output on the minor or you know having more faster belts or whatever, we do have a solution to this problem but I'm not going to tell you what it is because it's coming out in 1.0 so you will all know on the final release of the game what that solution is wait 1.0 is coming out oh Legends have it it's one of those things we're saving for for, for a couple of reasons which let's hold into it guys which I won't delve into so, so yes can you please okay so can you please from the archive Channel comments can you please clarify regarding the overclocking solution if there's a possibility if it land before 1.0 what can you Marv can you specify more what this is about because I don't I'm not sure what that you mean by that regarding the overclocking solution what overclocking solution is it the same but- I answered that question you know they answered that question it can't be that, you said it's coming in 1.0 but it's tied to 1.0 is that what someone in archive comment was active effect wait you said it's wait overclocking overclocking is the game now or do you mean wait is this referring to the minor thing that that's the one thing I need to clarify before I finish this question yes okay so in my mind it's effectively the same thing like whether it's coming 1.0 or if it's tied in 1.0 like the solution will be available in 1.0 essentially, and it's I guess it's tied to 1.0 like it's- I'm not sure how to answer this question without D delving too much into it, without giving too much away if it comes next week it would be available in 1.0 oh I see what you mean oh sneaky sneaky, no it's coming in 1.0 so like that solution will be released in 1.0 like in when when the final release of of satisfactory comes out that solution will be in that update there we go cool marking that as answered, bam can it tell us before 1.0 I don't think so I don't think so it maybe when I set up my Cameo I can have like a tier that's like pay me 50 bucks and I'll tell you about the the solution the solution that sounds very like when you say like that it sounds very very Doomsday