May 2nd, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Do you have any desire to implement any Mods from the Community and make them part the game?

May 2nd, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Do you have any desire to implement any Mods from the Community and make them part the game?

This question may have been asked previously at least 1 other time, as recently as March 2023.
This question has 3 related videos, and a related topic
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do you have any desire to implement any mods you see from the community and make them part of the game, so we've talked about this kind of thing before I think I have a video on this specifically, but like I don't think we've seen any mods and gone hey we need to take that and put it in the game like a lot of the times there's very very very few times that there are mods that are anything beyond something that we've we've considered before, but more often than not like there'll be a mod for something that we did want to make and more often than not we we don't plan that thing in any way so we don't end up making it, but then sometimes there are some things right where we're like all right well we do want to add this to the game now and then we can look at those mods and we can use those as some kind of inspiration and just like just sort of see what does and doesn't work with their mods and then and then we usually have to then go and reconsider our design and make sure that it, serves a greater purpose than just what it's doing, that's just kind of hard to explain but, so not so much like I don't think we've ever implemented we've seen a mod and gone hey great idea we need to add it now and then done it like that's that's never happened and I'm not sure it ever will but, even as this point there's very few features that we can't even like budge on at this point because like all the stuff that we've planned for 1.0 and all the stuff that we plan for like what if we do a post 1.0 like that list is so long at this point so like us being like let's do this instead is not really yeah we can't just pivot that quickly yeah we can't repeat it it's obvious it's it's always possible but I feel like right now we're kind of set on what we want to do, and then the only determining Factor here is like actual production like what how do we have time for and what works and and that kind of stuff mm-hmm but ideas wise like we're pretty sets yeah we have a pretty good idea what we're gonna do yeah there's a lot there's a lot of cool mods out there though yes and there's a lot of cool mods that do stuff that we kind of adds to like a different kind of experience for satisfactory that we were like we don't like this with the vanilla like what we set out for but this could be a good cool alternate experience, and like some mods could have been in the game sort of but we've decided that like it and and like in light of all the other stuff you know because it needs to work with all the aspects of the game not just like it being a cool thing, we're very Pro mods is what I'm trying to say we love seeing all the cool stuff that people are making mods I think it adds a lot to it too bad they're all gonna break for update 8 though they will for a little while they will the modern Community are pretty quick at patching oh yeah so are you hoping to avoid repeat a repeat of what happened with the the lights mod being demonstrated follows shortly by lights being revealed, yeah that was that was partly funny we also didn't know what they were going to Showcase so like we didn't know that we're going to Showcase mods, lights oh yeah until like until like right before they did it, but yeah it is unfortunate and it's like one of those things where like we kind of wanted to keep it a secret and like have it be revealed which just is like good old gut punch, I think most of the mod makers are kind of aware though of that situation where you know sometimes they can make a mod that sometimes gets into the game, because we've already implemented or we were going to implement it or whatever, so at the end of the day I hope everyone's happy that like the thing that we downloaded for because I really wanted a mod because I really wanted lights in the game for instance you know the fact that we did added vanilla made it so that more people could enjoy it