February 20th, 2019 Livestream
Q&A: How will the Story be told in the game- will it be audio lines or will the Story be text-based?
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<ref name="yt-CB9bSigNYH8,4402.120638,4456.517473">[https://youtube.com/embed/CB9bSigNYH8?autoplay=1&start=4402&end=4457 YouTube - February 20th, 2019 Livestream - Q&A: How will the Story be told in the game- will it be audio lines or will the Story be text-based?]</ref>
how will the story be told in the game rather be Audion lines or is this stuff a story very text-based both there will be there will be audio and there will be text the story will be told in a way that isn't in the way of the gameplay it's like it's supposed to be more of them like it's something that gives you context and if you want to dig deeper it's there but it's not in the way of people that just want to build factories and manage stuff and like don't care about what what else is going on so they could still be bigger so yeah think of it as as something that is there to sort of enhanced experience for those who