February 20th, 2019 Livestream Hannah Talk: Building factories in caves

February 20th, 2019 Livestream

Hannah Talk: Building factories in caves


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-CB9bSigNYH8,1419.15309,1441.680622">[https://youtube.com/embed/CB9bSigNYH8?autoplay=1&start=1419&end=1442 YouTube - February 20th, 2019 Livestream - Hannah Talk: Building factories in caves]</ref>



I totally build a factory in here yeah we just saw one but you could totally try I welcome I welcome those who who can figure that out because it's it's gonna be challenge but do it absolutely send us screenshots we'd love to see the stuff that you do people have already made amazing stuff in the Alpha it's