February 20th, 2019 Livestream
Q&A: Do you have rules to follow when decorating?
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<ref name="yt-CB9bSigNYH8,1206.009335,1303.953365">[https://youtube.com/embed/CB9bSigNYH8?autoplay=1&start=1206&end=1304 YouTube - February 20th, 2019 Livestream - Q&A: Do you have rules to follow when decorating?]</ref>
do I have rules to follow while decorating it's mostly stuff that's in our head we don't we follow some rules as I said before where we try to be somewhat logical with how we place things let's actually make the spawning of this unless let's make that 10 and there's more arts-based rules that's where for example things look best in clusters evenly spaced out looks too perfect too painted essentially too deliberate where if we paint things in clusters and if they are a little chaotic that's the best tends to look better for example it's more of just a generic art rule and level design rule I suppose things rules definitely for example we don't want to block the player too much like if I would you know put some annoying rocks here the player wouldn't have a nice walkway to get into the cave so we have to be careful with how we how we place things and that the player doesn't have stuff from the perspective of the player it's about a yay big so it's very deceptive actually it's a big problem when level designing especially when you're doing the big strokes because you sort of need to put out player like the player model just to have a sense of scale because everything looks a lot smaller than it actually is