December 3rd, 2024 Livestream Q&A: No presents are falling on Dedicated Server, is that because FICSMAS was completed last year?

December 3rd, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: No presents are falling on Dedicated Server, is that because FICSMAS was completed last year?

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I'm in my fourth fixmas in my main save wait I'm in my fourth fixmas in my main save do you mean do doing fixas four times like this is the first year they they played the ah sure sure sure sure, no presentence are falling on dedicated server is that because the fixus mam Tre is completed, no presence should be falling regardless right unless there is I that I'm not aware of maybe there's some setting that like the further you're progressing in fix miss the less often presence will be falling is it's possible that's actually something that we introduced this year, I we would need to check with the designers, because it kind of makes sense that like when you're progressing through fixmas that you don't need the presence to fall from the sky anymore, but it might also be if you've not enabled fixmas on dedicated servers, we have seen some people say that they have like fixas enabled even on regular game like in the single player where they don't see any presents, I don't know if they see the calendar this is something that I haven't confir we have cases of that too we have cases of people not seeing the calendar either or the tree yeah so there might be something finicky there with fix not kicking in on certain safe files mhm, so I guess if you, if you are playing on a save file and fixmas is enabled in the main menu but you're not seeing the calendar in the hub, please go to the QA site and up your safe file so we can take a look at that, the calendar is only there if you believe it hard enough that's what it is you just don't believe in fix Miss enough, so I this is what I would recommend probably for for you guys on dedicated service too like if you believe that you should have fixas enabled and all that stuff go to the qite upload a save file so we can tell take a look at the save file and see if we can reproduce the issue mhm