July 9th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Is 1.0 be the Update that changed the game the most (compared to say, Update 5)?

July 9th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Is 1.0 be the Update that changed the game the most (compared to say, Update 5)?


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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-BZkgCiyH2_g">[https://youtu.be/BZkgCiyH2_g YouTube - July 9th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Is 1.0 be the Update that changed the game the most (compared to say, Update 5)?]</ref>



is 1.0 the update that will change the game the most like update 5 change Factory designs completely I don't think so, I think like yes and no cuz there are some features in 1.0 that I


think no I don't think so upd five improved Factor designs but it didn't really like it it totally it's like okay so the way I see it update five was like we added a bunch of functionality when it came to building stuff that didn't exist in the game, I don't think the game like the game didn't necessarily need those changes you know what I mean like they didn't require those things to be able to to, be considered 1.0 but I definitely think they may improve the game in many aspects and definitely changed a lot of the what Factory design looked like and that was something we set out to do we set out to to make it so that people wouldn't just make boxes right we people wanted people to be more, creative and and create more like oddl looking shapes or like we wanted to go in a certain direction and we definitely feel like we succeeded in that, but with 1.0 it's more about tying it all together like that's the whole thing with this up with this final change that we bring to the game it's like we want to tie it all together, and I don't think that necessarily means that the game will change because it but it will definitely tie it together I feel