February 11th, 2022 Livestream Snutt & Jace Talk: Snutt doesn't recognise the official emojis

February 11th, 2022 Livestream

Snutt & Jace Talk: Snutt doesn't recognise the official emojis


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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-BW44MxDF_Zk">[https://youtu.be/BW44MxDF_Zk YouTube - February 11th, 2022 Livestream - Snutt & Jace Talk: Snutt doesn't recognise the official emojis]</ref>




not a lot of people use the pipes no maybe that's what I reacted to yeah wait this is no good, what I mean to say is guys we got our btt the, emojis emoji buddies emojis get your emojis poggies foggies emoji we do have those emotes by the way yeah on vttv a lot more emotes so you guys can use them but you do need to have the plugin that's not the command maybe this is emotes yeah so you can go to better tv I think yeah and, you can have that plugin and then you can use, emotes for free you don't need the sub or anything like that top tier community managers don't know the game don't know the other stream emotes true it's all an act we just do it for the laws and other lies we tell ourselves or maybe I just say that to sell it in even more that we're just faking it good one snit they'll never know got him got him yeah