November 2nd, 2021 Livestream Q&A: What does "Fixed Internally" mean on the QA Site?

November 2nd, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: What does "Fixed Internally" mean on the QA Site?

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yeah somebody asked what fixed internally means on the qa site so fixed internally and if that means that it will be next patch so fixed internally it means that we've looked at the issue and we've like worked on it and we fixed it we believe we fixed it at least or maybe we have a separate one that's like possible fixed or something but fixed internally essentially means that on our end we've resolved the issue and as to the best of our knowledge and it may show up in a coming patch now sometimes there may be issues where it's kind of complicated to explain this in a good way but like the way that we have the way that we work is that sometimes there may be dependencies on things that makes it impossible for us to push the patch to like the currently active build that's out there, but it will come eventually right so like for instance the world stuff right if there's an if there's something in the missing in the world and we're like hey there's a hole in the world here the world team will be like oh okay we'll fix that but we're on like a separate branch we're working on we're not working with the other people so that fix may not come until like way later when we integrate the two and stuff like that and that can be the case for a lot of different issues so sometimes things can be marked as fixed internally but they won't get pushed for quite some time, but we do try to like you know when we especially now that we're kind of in that mode where we're fixing up stuff like if we can push it in the next patch then we try to do it, that is the goal but that might not always be the case so that's what fixed internally means if that made sense