May 28th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Is the map going to be done in 1.0, or will future updates make changes?

May 28th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Is the map going to be done in 1.0, or will future updates make changes?

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is the map going to be definite in 1.0 where the possible other changes might occur in further updates so the map will as much as possible be definite you won't see any like big map changes where like you know rocks appear or something like we'll probably fix you know smaller things like I don't know floating rocks Maybe Might exist at 1.0 who knows, given our track record of that but for the for the majority the map is done and like like we're focusing on mug fixing it so that are no new planned like bigger things okay all you snow biome ERS out there I see you lurking yeah no gol hes anything like that