July 9th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: How long did it take to build the factory for the Toilet Flush video?

July 9th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: How long did it take to build the factory for the Toilet Flush video?


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how long did it take to build the factory for the video so I'm going to give a real big shout out to lenus, lenus is our, one of our editors or our like one of our editors one of our like trailer makers, video guy I guess, he spent a full month working on that factory that you guys saw in like opening shot of the factory that's that's a month, that is not the entire Factory I just want to make that very clear that's like that's a Snippets of the entire Factory he he went a bit above and beyond, but he has spent like a month working on that on that, Factory, it is actually going to be for I'm not going to actually spoil that but it it it's for something else actually and I just like stole that so I just stole this Hardware, but it it is a really incredible Factory, and there's a lot of stuff that you guys don't see in that factory, that you hopefully will see someday, and, yeah it's really cool and then all the other shots I've I've like still the same safe file but I've tailored it to work so so like lenus did like the first two shots sorry lenus did like the first shot majorly like all the whole structure and then I just tweaked it here and there, and I think like second shot where it's a closeup same sa file but I've altered some things there's also a, never mind, and then I just like built based on the shots that we needed so took a long time most like when we create trailers I think I would say maybe like 70% of the time it takes to make the trailer is spent building, like cuz what like block out was like two days for me, block at is okay let me make so so the process of making a trailer is essentially, we have a storyboard artist who creates like a first of all we have an idea right we we discuss an idea we come up with like this is what we're g to do and then we we all sit together ideation and like sort of brainstorm like what we want to do, and depending on who dirting the trailer we usually have like the final say in like what direction we want the shots to be composed so I think I don't remember who like I think this idea for the trailer is is really old, and then we sit together and I sort of like okay these are the kind of shots that I want like I want I want this shot close up I want to shot out this when this happens I want to shot this like blah blah blah and then, we have a storyboard artist who who like draws it up and makes storyboard for all the shots and like make composition like what they should look like composition wise and, and then we edit it all together with like placeholder music which is always very dangerous because we always get very like when we put placeholder music we all really like that music so we end up being like man when I use this song though, so, create a placeholder and then we sort of have like a trailer and then we just like build and create the trailer based on that, and we have like reference shots and and whatever, so for this trailer maybe I'll do like a deep dive of how this trailer was made later on once 1.0 is out because there are a few things in like the storyboarding and and stuff that, that didn't make it into the trailer and haven't been shown yet so I can't show that, but, the the main, inspiration for this trailer is a shot from, the Sherlock Holmes movie with, with, what's his name Robert Downey Jr, I don't remember if it's the first one or second one cuz there's two right but there's a shot I haven't seen the films either I just know what this shot but there's a shot with a running in the woods and they're being like shot at with like cannons and [ __ ] that was like the main inspiration behind the entire tra trailer, and that's the whole like when she's running from the side view I that's literally me like if you the composition wise that's like based on that, and there's one more trailer, it's it's also like the zoom in is based on, like, what's his name, the director always shoots like very static shots, he made Tenon bounds, what's his name I'm just waiting for chat to to pick up pick up on my Q's here, no not kosava Wes Anderson yeah so Wes Anderson is also like some of the shots are inspired by Wes Anderson the composition of like the Pioneer standing, when when she gets the tummy ache, that's that's all like Wes Anderson type shots except we actually move a little bit, and yada y y I could I could go on on about this but I'll maybe I'll do a breakdown of that trailer later and maybe we'll do a breakdown of of some other trailers we've done that in the past I think, I don't remember what the question I was answering here when I was talking about this but, yeah