May 30th, 2023 Video Q&A: What will happen to saves in Update 8 that already passed the object limit in Update 7?

May 30th, 2023 Video

Q&A: What will happen to saves in Update 8 that already passed the object limit in Update 7?

This question may have been asked previously at least 1 other time, as recently as March 2023.
This question has 4 related videos
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here's one what will happen to slaves that are loaded in update 8 that already passed the objective in update seven, if we have any kind of, optimizations in terms of, how many objects certain things use, there's a potential that, the object limit will no longer be exceeded in update 8 I suppose, does that make sense to you said or yeah like it should be theoretically when the game loads and it loads in all those view objects and it passes the limit then it crashes yeah but if we've done anything or like when it allocates we've done anything to you know limit the amount of objects that are which we have done in the past that certain objects take up yeah it's possible but I'm not sure if we've done anything specifically for this time though but I know that there's plan for it, actually I'm gonna pull it up there's something called, let's see if I can find the thing where did I post that it was here we go yeah there's something called the architecture abstraction which should improve that's like new in Unreal Engine this should improve, and I just kind of pull this actually I don't know how it works, but it should improve like how we handle you know bigger safe off with all the factory buildings and all that stuff so, I think I think the situation is we haven't made any big changes to that right now maybe there's some improvement that we haven't thought about that comes from the engine itself but I doubt that but there are now possibilities first to improve it even further we're just gonna have time man