July 20th, 2021 Livestream
Q&A: More Shop items (decorations, plants) in the next Update?
This question has 4 related videos, and 3 related topics
- February 4th, 2025 Livestream Q&A: Could we get trees/plant life in general as Decoration? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHrAzj0wSx0
- March 8th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Can you add some flower & plant cosmetic stuff? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RotDytRFNIA
- November 9th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Planting Trees? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luBjVZ5Agc8
- August 31st, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Housing-type items for the Pioneers? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bX384CCivs
- Decor
- Satisfactory Update 5
Suggested Wiki Reference Code
<ref name="yt-ABvXAJSdX2c">[https://youtu.be/ABvXAJSdX2c YouTube - July 20th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: More Shop items (decorations, plants) in the next Update?]</ref>
more shop items decoration plan for the next update we do plan on adding more like shop items and things to the game, as the game goes on there might be some in the next update there might be more in future updates too it's it's it's nice because the the shop is this kind of feature that is like it's pretty free for us to just like add some cool new interesting stuff so it makes some sense