August 13th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Mac/Apple Silicon support post-1.0?

August 13th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Mac/Apple Silicon support post-1.0?

This question may have been asked previously at least 8 other times, as recently as February 2024 and as early as March 2019.
This question has 5 related videos
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mac Apple silicon support post 1.0 all right so we in the past we've released our games on both Linux and app and on Mac, I'm not sure like what we'll do maybe we will release on Linux and Mac in the future, but like I would I would like to mention that like there are very few people that play on Mac, and very seldom for game devs in general I'm generalizing here but very rarely does it make sense to Port your game on Mac, and Linux in some cases too actually, because what tends to happen is, you run into issues that does that's doesn't exist on the Windows version, people are very vocal when they play on Mac and Linux so like they'll complain about the state of the game and then we have a hard time like making it make sense for us to support you know something that like 0.001% I'm not sure if that's the case but like on past games I've made it's like less than a percent play on like anything other than Windows and I've worked on games where we implemented Linux support and then we removed it because it didn't warrant the the amount of work that goes into it so like I'm not saying that we won't do it, I just want to like you know be real realistic and like explain to you like what what it is, and I'm talking native Linux support here I'm not talking like the because you can totally use, I can't remember what they're called the they're not emulators but they proton and and that to play it on Linux, but if you want like native Linux apart from dedicated service of course and like native Mac, then we'll see but the way things are right now also like app are making it harder and harder every year for people to publish on their platform, specifically games that is and, it is it is a very like I've worked on on making games on Mac and I would say it's it's not it's not a pleasant experience, I would say so like they're making it really hard for you to want to port to Mac honestly, so we'll see we'll see but like I'm kind of skeptical we've never even it's been a long time since we even brought this up actually, but but who knows we'll see