November 19th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: What's Snutt's opinion on Mikael's factory?

November 19th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: What's Snutt's opinion on Mikael's factory?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-9yufhqo_sXU">[ YouTube - November 19th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: What's Snutt's opinion on Mikael's factory?]</ref>



what's your opinion on nik's Factory SN, he look he'll get there okay remember how many hours you all have inside his Factory okay mik is just starting out and y'all factors were not great at the beginning either okay so I'm not saying that mik isn't bad or like they that they're bad or anything like that but, he's learning okay giving a shot giving a shot contrary to popular belief this is not my first time playing such like that would be kind of stupid I have indeed played this game considering been I [ __ ] set you up and you [ __ ] tore it down okay like you could have been like yeah it's your first time playing don't tease me so just bear with him he he'll get there in a but but honestly you have to do you agree with this or not because I feel like whenever I stream satisfactory it's when I learn the most yes it's also by far in the way when it's the most fun to play that too it's a satisfactory is a very good play game to stream, because it's like you're not reacting constantly to stuff happening like if you're playing Call of Duty it's really hard to like keep track of what chat is doing and stuff like that yeah so the factor you can take pauses you can check chat you like there's a lot of discussion going back and forth so, I always enjoy streaming it too, and I also feel like whenever got back seated, because I always enjoy Bing back seated unsatisfactory yeah, I'll ignore all the advice but I'll- I'll for sure take all the advice, I feel like I'm always learn the most, during streams oh all the small tips and tricks contrl c contrl v on buildings oh if you want do you want the next step give it to me so so I've remapped control V to why because when you're constantly pasting stuff using control+ V is so annoying I just so I just have it on a button so I have it on y so I can just like yeah yeah you get there