January 14th, 2025 Livestream
Q&A: I have an upcoming interview for Community Manager, do you have any advice?
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<ref name="yt-9jEsSGW-8Fw">[https://youtu.be/9jEsSGW-8Fw YouTube - January 14th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: I have an upcoming interview for Community Manager, do you have any advice?]</ref>
I have an upcoming interview for Community manager do you have any advice cancel don't post on tan don't make any posting T Chan that's my only advice this is this is the golden advice that I got from Jace when I became Community manager and he was going on vacation I was like is there anything I need to think about and he's like yeah don't post on T chat and it's I've lived that is advice that I live by okay and that's advice I'm I'm now, offering you guys okay I mean I would abide by it for sure so yeah what was the advice you g gave them don't mess up cancel cancel okay intervie all right n what would I give like honestly what would I say, there's nothing you can do that you don't like there's no skill that you don't already have that would make you more fitting for the role if that makes sense like exactly really really really don't try to be anything you're not because like who you are and who you are going to be comfortable being every single day is that is that is actually really good advice because it is very very very obvious, when people do that and it it's such a like turn down honestly it depends though cuz sometimes you can tell that like people do it to to like be like there's there's levels of this too like where like either feels genous or it's because I can tell because you're nervous or whatever so some like yeah yeah like you say like there's that is super important and it is very very obvious, from our end when that's the case or not yeah and you honestly like the the personality and the mood that is your like basic state you want that to be compatible with, like the studio and what the studio perceives their commuted to be so if you are not compatible with that honestly like just kind of you know appreciate that you would have had a very hard time balling as yourself yes if, yeah you don't make it so just be yourself TDR do you need to be able to program to be a CM I don't think there's no you don't need to be program but it is very beneficial though it is it is yeah because, I think one of the reasons why me and jaay originally got the role was because we knew a lot like how the game worked so like being programming is programmers on the game made it easier to like transition into like explaining the game because we knew how things worked in the back end, but I don't know I don't know it's there's no like apart from the requirements that we already list on the website like obviously all other skills you know add up, so there's no it's neither good or bad whatever extra you have