May 26th, 2023 Video Validity improvements

May 26th, 2023 Video

Validity improvements

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-9jDBEpAlS2s,298.23126666666667,352.5855666666667">[ YouTube - May 26th, 2023 Video - Validity improvements]</ref>



respective poles the second Improvement coming to belts and pipes is a bit more of a niche case but I'm sure many of you have actually run into it before if you play the game a lot so as we all know free placing belts or pipes is a two-step process you click once to place it where you want and then you set the height right you look up and down and then you click again that's the second phase to actually build the the building right so you can place the belts or pipes wherever you want and then you can set their height however in update 8 the change that's coming is that the validity of the belt or pipe build itself the entire validity of it will be determined by the second phase of building as opposed to the first phase of building what this means now is that you can now place the first phase of the belts built down even if the belt or pipe's initial placement is invalid or too steep and then you can adjust the height to where you need it to be so that maybe at that point it's valid right and that's basically what this this little quality live update addresses the dismantle feature is