May 26th, 2023 Video
Automatic Poles
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<ref name="yt-9jDBEpAlS2s,252.81923333333333,298.1979">[ YouTube - May 26th, 2023 Video - Automatic Poles]</ref>
feature with a zip line conveyor belts are also getting some love in update 8 which is great because we build a lot of them there are two new quality of life features coming to conveyor belts and pipes for that matter but like all of these features apply to conveyor belts and pipes and the first one is actually something that we've leaked actually, back in the blueprints video video up here if you haven't seen it and some of you with Keen eyes actually have spotted it before and that is that belts and pipes will now automatically be built with their appropriate stand when free placed on the ground so previously you would have to build a conveyor pole then attach the belt to that and then you could build out from that and that building will have a conveyor pole automatically attached if you place it on the ground but now even if you free place conveyor belts or pipes on the ground they will come with their respective poles the second Improvement