May 26th, 2023 Video Zipline Steering

May 26th, 2023 Video

Zipline Steering

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-9jDBEpAlS2s,155.82233333333335,212.14526666666666">[ YouTube - May 26th, 2023 Video - Zipline Steering]</ref>



raise a bit of a question like what happens if the power line turns or if there's like multiple like branching power lines how is that handled and basically you can just look in whatever Direction you want to go in whilst zip lining and you'll go that way so if there's a branch that goes left and right you look left you will go left but on top of that you can also use movement input Like A and D left and right you can use those to override your the way you look so you could be looking left you hold down right or D and then you will just take the right Junction, when you're doing that and this applies for ceiling Outlets as well as power Towers but one thing to note is that there is an angle limit I think the angle limit is about like a 60 degree angle so if it's if the if the power line turn is more than 60 degrees you can't continuously do that but you know you could maybe just jump off and then reattach or something like that but yeah I saw a bunch of people reacting to last week's video up here if you haven't seen it yet and and a lot of people have theorized like wait can you can you zipline continuously through the power Towers because that would make a lot of sense especially with zipline Sprint mode and yeah you guys were you guys were right on the money, you can do that also just decide real quick