May 26th, 2023 Video Smooth ziplining

May 26th, 2023 Video

Smooth ziplining

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-9jDBEpAlS2s,111.2111,155.78896666666668">[ YouTube - May 26th, 2023 Video - Smooth ziplining]</ref>



the next quality of life feature is going to be about the zip line and that is that zip lines are no longer interrupted when traveling on ceiling power outlets and also on power Towers so some of you may have actually known about the ability to zipline through ceiling power outlets before and the way this kind of worked is you would hit one of those Nubs you'd fall off at it but if you look up you would like grab on to the next, Power Line anyway you could just keep going so it's basically this new quality of life feature is basically exactly that but it's improved now so instead of falling off you just keep smoothly continuously ziplining through those ceiling Outlets to your heart's content and the same functionality is also extended to power Towers, now this doesn't actually extend to power poles as you could imagine the poles are still kind of in the way of your body so you will still Bonk into those if you try and do that this might raise a bit of a question like what