September 17th, 2024 Livestream Snutt & Mikael Talk: Happy Birthday, Snutt

September 17th, 2024 Livestream

Snutt & Mikael Talk: Happy Birthday, Snutt

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happy birthday s oh thanks I can't believe you guys remembered holy [ __ ] what today not even my parents remember but you Chad remembered holy oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] impressive man is turning 46 yeah I haven't got a single happy birthday today by anyone else but chat remembered that's nice yeah yeah here have 2,000 very cool mhm burgers tonight then I have Burgers yesterday and I had Burgers the day before I am and had a dilemma, I haven't been hungry since the Lun Party by the way yeah the launch party was baller yeah- I was I was working too much so I missed the second round didn't even get fries happy birg day happy birg day that's pretty good actually yeah for people who don't get the joke, it's not my birthday by the way it's a twitch thing don't worry about it I just Gass let all of you get wrecked yeah yeah it's M's birthday actually it is yeah happy birthday no one thank you I don't want to get any older but the [ __ ] do I have a choice no I don't think so yeah I think my eyes are going bad man like playing a lot of SF Factory and a bit of wow as well over the weekend I'm like I cannot spot certain things as well as I could like not even 5 years ago that's my eyes are melting do you have to like have glass do you have glasses first of all my first question, I've actually, I've gotten a, what are they called like a thing of magig paper prepped by the company so I get a discount on glasses so I can what the [ __ ] does that mean get that sorted thing magig paper yeah apparently we can, score discount wait really yeah you didn't know no well I don't [ __ ] perfect 2020 I am actually I am actually not allowed to drive anymore legally that's what that was my next question is like do you do you need to have like yeah it happened like, was was it this year was either early this year or late last year I don't drive often at all, when I realized like are these it was winter so there is that but it's like- I should be able to read this sign these signs sooner than I, than I am and then I had a check and I like yeah no you should not drive anymore oh okay thank you know I guess but you decided that it's not like anyone's was like you can't drive anymore oh no no no my my no my site my site is below the, they didn't actually they didn't punish me or charge me or anything but my current test for this yeah yeah okay a side test and my, current site is below the minimum requirements for yeah driv classes so cool cool cool yeah anyways we're going to end the stream there everybody thanks so much for tuning in we'll be back again next week same time same channel same bat Channel same that time same bat same satisfactory Time same satisfactory channel oh my God finally pull it out together, more soon much news yeah hopefully we'll have more better grasp of like what's going on dev wise, but but as always like if we push, any changes to to known issues and whatnot we'll update the socials and whatnot, but until then thank you so much everyone for playing the game and for hanging out here on stream and and and chatting with us, this this crazy Journey, and, play yeah play the game y'all get us get us some more concurrent records yes yes and by God like let's break that 200 baby now from all the Curious questions we've had over the summer and spring like you guys have been waiting for this for a while and it's out so knock yourselves out please before I do knock my out me myself knock myself out not you guys out that would be illegal so, in many countries yeah