January 30th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: The Weekly Butthole Question

January 30th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: The Weekly Butthole Question


This question may have been asked previously at least 11 other times, as recently as December 2023 and as early as August 2023.
This question has 7 related videos
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-9cfWGnkTGAk">[https://youtu.be/9cfWGnkTGAk YouTube - January 30th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: The Weekly Butthole Question]</ref>



okay did you enjoy having about a month of your life without thinking about whether or not, lizard dogos have AO c yeah it was the best time of my life honestly not a day went by about it what the hell not a day went by when I wasn't like oh thank God I don't have to go live on Twitch and talk about the, lizard Doo Anatomy situation oh it was so good I'd rather have a fever that talk about the L Doo situation H have you thought about the Roman Empire today though what is the deal with that cuz like when when I heard about that Meme and I heard how many think about it I was like what the actual [ __ ] dude do you think about the Roman Empire like twice a day yeah actually yeah you don't what the [ __ ] there's so many more important things to think about such as whether or not lizard doos are, how they digest food you do have a ADHD shut up answer this question I love when people are trying to like hide the fact that their question is about but holes for lizard Doos, people are getting really sneaky about it


, sorry I'm just giggling over the butthole mentiones in the Q&A it's not funny guys it's kind of funny it's a little bit funny it's, what the oh this is another lizard dog Quest God damn it I got fooled I thought this was a sincere question but it wasn't I hate that I like start reading a question and like I'm like five sentence and in and then suddenly it's like oh this is another Li Dogo but hole joke how we Gathering up here how many do we have now what was that how many do we have now how many Liz with Bol speaking of that's the question that people wants to know Mel yeah how many any thoughts any thoughts on this psychedelic rock band butthole surface see I'm raing tonight so I might just cue them up and, are they are they a thing they are now let me butt Surfers oh they are what the yo 85,000 monthly listeners heck yeah that's added to the game I am raiding to I am raing DSR Tonight Show all what do we have here