September 26th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Do you happen to know if Fluids were always a planned thing?

September 26th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Do you happen to know if Fluids were always a planned thing?

00:00 Intro
02:12 Credibility issues
04:21 Golf is never going to happen
04:46 Flushable Toilet DLC

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-9R_NsjNvmAI">[ YouTube - September 26th, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: Do you happen to know if Fluids were always a planned thing?]</ref>



do you happen to know whether fluids were always a planned thing even back when you're all mocking the idea so fluids were like we did prototype pipes like the buildable because we okay here's what you guys need to know when it comes to developing games in general is that like we have people that are like designers that are just sitting like coming up with ideas like what we can add for the game so we had like a huge list of like this is stuff that we can do can add to the game, and like Pius was definitely something like we can definitely add pipes like at some point like it it would probably make sense, but we didn't pursue the idea and then when we started memeing it was after we started memeing we're like all right let's actually implement it it we'll do it we'll do it live, so like the idea was there before we started memeing about it that like we could add pipes, it was actually a bit stressful because we had in the localization file we actually had like some component that was called something pipe because we used to have like a prototype thing in the game, since the first like the initial launch that we weren't using for anything but it had the name so we were like oh maybe people find this and like oh pipes are in the game confirm which wasn't true I mean it was true but it wasn't because of that like I appreciate the kind words y'all appreciate it thanks Noel, we should add a file just called golf or something just to mess with people I think it's important to note- I mean I can say this and people might not believe it or whatever but this is this is 100 the the truth right now remember okay so there's a clip from early on where we're doing like a q a on stream and somebody asked like are you guys ever gonna add drones and we said like no we're not gonna add drones, and then you look back and you're like well we did add drones and you did say we weren't gonna add like, pipes we did add pipes, important to note in those situations is that when we're when we're on stream like that a lot of times we're actually honest and we're like no we're not never gonna add it because we don't really see ourselves doing that at the time but the way since we've been doing satisfactory in such a like we haven't had any road maps and we have been quite like, amount of concrete like try and like react as much as we can to like what people are doing in community and stuff like that, I think it's been very important for us especially since we're in Early Access that we try and like do what makes sense for us at the time so like if we would have been decided like if we would have made a road map back then drones wouldn't have happened we would have it would have been a different game and then based on feedback now that's not to say that every time we say we're not going to add it that means it's going to happen eventually like where it's possible like there are certain things that 100 will never happen and that's why we've been trying to like you know formulate ourselves in a way we're like if we say it's probably not going to happen then it can happen but for certain things we're like no this will not happen I say that and yet yeah whatever but I can tell you those moments like we legit didn't think we're gonna add pipes early on and we did not think we were going to add drones at that point so you're saying the chance for golf no golf is an exception that's the only time that was the whole point of this story is like golf is one of those things that are never going to happen so stop asking about it shut up


unless or am I no but for real but what if though flushable DLC yeah that is that no no no no no no no no flushable DLC we have never joked about that not happening that is 100 happening okay that is not something we we joke around on okay that's this that's legit this okay can't I cannot be clear enough