December 12th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: What's Mikael's favourite game/movie?

December 12th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: What's Mikael's favourite game/movie?

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hey Mel what's your favorite game ever well favorite game ever yeah what could it


be I start off by saying that I've only I've actually not clocked more than a thousand hours into, more than three games and the first two might be obvious wow and for 14 the third one is actually Pokémon Platinum Pokemon Platinum Pokemon Platinum where I did a lot of, it's the, it's the, re-release game of Gen 4 of diamond and pearl oh I never play that no well then you missed out that was DS right yeah yeah that that was that was after my time yeah no it's, I was so into competitive Pokemon and the battlef frontier Pokemon oh you haven't heard of EV training or IV training no wait where do I resign W that's where you draw the line huh basically all right fair enough oh holy [ __ ] yeah well I heard that no so there are ways to like there are ways to make Pokemon with perfect stats in terms of how powerful they innately can become, and then you make perfect teams and you go up because the DS was the first, the Gen 4 was the first gen that went online with Pokémon you could actually start battling online with other people and so finally like hosting tournaments on like game facts or like even twitch YouTube whatever was possible, and this was fun just like hanging out on boards trading battling and again the Battle Frontier all gold badges cool yeah, but minor tangent favorite game is, I mean yeah it's like it's a big question, 14 is up there, especially now after having been like literally been physically to the latest FanFest as well last October, just realizing what a game can do to you, but it's like if you take the scope of like how much time you've played and then like try to remember or try to like I guess just examine how much you got out gotten out of those hours emotionally it's probably ff9 oh damn or it might actually be Hollow Knight ff9 H is that the best Final Fantasy ff9 is, special and it's the game I replay the least because I'm just so afraid oh that's so interesting cuz I'm the same way like my favorite movie I've only seen it once oh I'm not going to say which one I'm going to say it's, actually oh


actually my favorite movie used to be Miller's Crossing oh, but actually, I can't remember the name of it it's, wait it's a Japanese film while you search, I've seen the question pop up a bit in chat about ff14 Maine, I like to say I'm a tank main but if I had to stick to only one it would be the gun breaker because my God my God there is absolutely no button that is more satisfying to press than heart of corundum when it's well timed I don't know anything you're saying like I don't understand anything it's like so funny how if you've never if you played any of the Final Fantasy like main games like you understand if you hear people randomly speak about stuff you you understand what you're talking about for like when you talk about ff14 I just like oh K ra speaking of shooting myself in the head in Game of course any Persona 3 this February oh that's going to be good bunch of nerds, let's play you and- I think my favorite movie by the way just back of that is Kim nonaa I've seen that once and- I don't remember much from it but I just remember being an emotional, wreck after that yeah I if a movie can move you I think that's the if I can feel something for once then I think it's it's a good, yeah signature what's your favorite movie, first off to respond to that, I lived in Tokyo when Kim theava released we saw there as well me and a very good friend of mine and, like the way all of Tokyo shook it was on TV and on the newspapers for like weeks really insane yeah it was actually I mean both the both the emotional like just scope of the movie show but then also the fact that it actually it I think it very very quickly since I wasn't in Sweden obviously at that time I'm not sure but like I think it reached it reached Western Shores very quickly anyone talk about it oh really no no like it, because it was airing in like it released and then I moved back to Sweden like you could actually see it in cinema in Sweden- I never heard anyone talk about it oh yeah weirdly enough shame yeah, my favorite movie is a lot a lot more mainstream and it's also kind of unfair it's Avengers endgame oh and yeah it's, I was also I still am a Marvel boy I was much more of a Marvel boy when I was younger until my mom figured that nah you're how old was I 13 14 we old enough now all these Comics they can be sold or thrown out again thanks mom, yeah, but even now I still like Marvel like a bit more of a I guess on a mainstream or just general scale, but the MCU was a journey like I loved most of it and and end game was such a ridiculous payoff it's emotionally it's absolutely insane it's, yeah like on the off chance that there is someone here that hasn't actually watched it yet I won't spoil it but like being part of the entire MCU Journey from Iron Man 1 and then being in the cinema day one to watch endgame and just like having that insane payoff right there in the, in the cinema Hall I don't think I will ever experience that with any movie ever again like it is was years of nerd investment from so many people just raving when stuff happen one fun fact that movie came out when we did the update 3, I believe for satisfactory and, I got it got spoiled in our chat when we lost update three for me cuz I cuz I like I lik Infinity War more yeah- I do want to respons- I absolutely understand and I know even agree there are many problems with the MCU like many problems especially right now but for all of its wrongs it did so much right and it got the most important movie damn right yeah those two are pretty dope but I think after that- I stopped carrying about MCU yeah same actually