January 31st, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Why do player avatars hang out in the world after they log out, why don't they just disappear?

January 31st, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Why do player avatars hang out in the world after they log out, why don't they just disappear?


This question has 2 related videos, and a related topic
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-9Kh5Q-okBbE">[https://youtu.be/9Kh5Q-okBbE YouTube - January 31st, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: Why do player avatars hang out in the world after they log out, why don't they just disappear?]</ref>



why do player avatars hang out in the world after they log out why don't they just disappear, so first of all it could be helpful in case you need to kill them and take their items that's one, but apart from that- I don't know if there's any other reason why they're actually there I don't think they have to be we could technically hide them but they're I think their object persists anyway in the save file and so we just show them what's yours if you don't like whether if they're in the way you can kill them yeah because the main reason why we don't just have people spawn at the Hub is like if you're on the other side of the planet and you spawn in back again you don't want to like Trek all the way over there again especially if you get disconnected that's super annoying but then we can't just have you not be like a an object in the world that says like you have to be because otherwise you can build within the player and then when you spawn you'll spawn in an impossible situation that's why