November 11th, 2022 Video Blueprints are not persistent to your Save file

November 11th, 2022 Video

Blueprints are not persistent to your Save file

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-9KBQyjy-a6g,842.6418,892.6584333333334">[ YouTube - November 11th, 2022 Video - Blueprints are not persistent to your Save file]</ref>



one really cool thing with blueprints is that they are not persistent to your save file so you're going to be able to like use any blueprint on any save file so long as you've unlocked like the the the cost that's it within the blueprint otherwise you're not going to be able to use it and another cool thing is that we've separated so that blueprints are saved on on files separate from your save file and they're located here within the same directory as your save files in a blueprint folder so you're going to be able to like take the blueprints that you created and just you know do whatever you want with them send them to your friend or keep them keep them for yourself hide them keep them secret one key thing to take note of though is that the blueprint files are not stored in the same directory as your save files which means that they're not going to be part of like the cloud syncing thing that's going on on Steam and epic so you save all our Cloud syncs but your blueprints are not so that's really important to remember so that is how blueprints are