September 24th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Has Snutt been playing in 1.0?

September 24th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Has Snutt been playing in 1.0?

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You' been playing 1.0 so- I talked about this earlier in the Stream but- I can't play satisfactory, because- I get too stressed out it feels like work, it feel I'm G to take the be off actually, whoa where did the S go what the [ __ ], I got too hot, yeah I don't know I can't play satisfactor anymore I just feel so work mode you know what I mean like it's- I can't see the game for the the job if that makes sense, was this Jabron, so I would like to there's there's a part of me that's like I would really like to play the game and I would really like to finish it now that we're done any 1.0 with it, but- I just can't- I can't play it so it is what it is yeah it it is what it is is, like I'm okay with it I have like I don't know how many thousands of hours I have in the game if if that counts because most of those hours are like deving, I think I have like, I think I have I can check cuz I think I have like 2,000 hours on the Ste on the Epic account or something oh and early ACC and experimental don't count say wait how do you see this again, oh cool we have achievements on Epic I haven't seen that until now well I knew about it but I haven't seen the actual page for it yet, you've played for so there's 500 on that one I have to do math yeah roughly 2,000 on Epic and then I have have like I think I have 800 steam or something I don't have as many on Steam, 700 on Steam yeah so and I still haven't finished the game the farthest I've gotten is like tier six I've never used trains in satisfactory apart from like making videos you know but like I've never used trains in my save file so, I keep restarting over and over again and I can never get to it what's a train it's it's, I'll tell you when you're older it's it's when I never mind no I've never beaten in the game I was going to when because I have a safe file my my safe file where I've gotten the furthest is also the safe file that I've spent the L least amount of time on which is kind of interesting, I have a saile where I have like 150 hours and that's I've gotten to like tier six on that one, but I got very like once 1.0 dropped I got very like kind of want to replay the entire game from scratch again to get like the full experience I got I got a bit jelly from people who did that because I and back in my day we didn't have these biomass generators that would like have a input what is this [ __ ] where this come from you you you kids and your automated biomass generators kind of [ __ ] is this so I kind of want to experience that yeah back in my day we didn't have lifts okay okay here it comes here it comes old man snow talking about the godamn lifts again how we used to have to build conveyor Elevators Bull making spiral staircases yada yada yada yada it's the meme you know the meme with like the old lady and like she's got the thingy I don't know what it's called and there like okay Grandma let's just get back yeah that's that's me with like conveyor elevators yeah back in my pipes was a joke we used to make a joke about having pipes it wasn't a real thing in the game you would just put barrels on the conveyor belt old Dev yelsa Cloud old Dev yelsa Community for the audience for the game yeah those were the days remember when we still had hope for golf ah My Sweet Summer child that was a while ago well some people still believe when was update 5 satisfactory update five that was 2021 that was 3 years ago when we quote unquote killed golf it's not happening some people still cling on remember hope is the last thing that leaves your body but, yeah no no never even entertained the thought as of update 5 because I lost in the golf game I lost the sh a bit so yeah