September 3rd, 2024 Livestream Q&A: How does optimisation generally work when a player creates large structures?

September 3rd, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: How does optimisation generally work when a player creates large structures?

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, so how does optimization generally work when a player creates large structures do you switch from actor to static mesh instances when they are far away so no we don't because the way it works is, so parts of the fact parts of buildings are always static meshes so the parts that don't move are always static meshes and the parts that do move are are are, instanced meshes so like using, how do I explain this, it's it's like GPU magic I guess it's the best way to explain like there there's there's techniques and stuff where we can optimize like how stuff is animated so for instance all the animations in 1.0 they won't well I say all I don't know if Ben actually got around to fix all of them but the majority of animations in 1.0 for machines, they're animated using, they're animated on the GPU so they're not animated using scale measure something like that, which makes them way more optimized and makes it so that like, yeah verx animation is what it's called, so so like they're optimized in how like they are, animating so they're not using like the typical animation system that you were you would think about, which makes them way more optimized and even when you're far away they can still animate without it being an issue, that's how they work in 1.0 that's not how they're work in up that eight by the way, so so, so we don't really switch them around it's just that they they kind of work independently where you are there are a ton of other things that are happening though when you're far away from stuff, that optimizes it and like for instance particles don't spawn and and, and, I can't think of anything else there's some Laing going on, so, we can maybe talk more about this during the, the dev stream actually if if because that's actually a really interesting topic I think like how we make everything run smooth because it's it's like hard to give a good like this is how it works because there's many different solutions that we've implemented to be able to do the stuff that we do, and the way like how we transmit stuff to the GPU and and and that kind of stuff, to make it work because there's many different ways to do the same thing when it comes to programming and like and specifically in game development there's a lot of different ways to do, the same thing and they all have trade-offs sort of, like whether it's like a visal thing or if it's like you know we can't do another thing for instance so so like it's a pretty complicated subject, so yeah MH