May 16th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Celebrate with Surströmming party?

May 16th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Celebrate with Surströmming party?

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celebrate with sister's storming party oh no oh wait you get one of this is yeah I still want to do it I haven't haven't eaten that yet for those who don't know who's throwing is the, like, really stanky fish it's a stanky that's what yeah super stank you know like you can't open it indoors level of stink otherwise it stanks up your whole place for like three days it smells like fart that's that's the, is that what it smells like yes it's fermented it smells like old man's fart essentially sometimes here's the thing I've, I've had it a lot of times which is a weird Flex not that I specifically enjoy it but it's just like I've been in situations where a lot of times we're like be fun to eat Sue strumming it's like yeah sure let's do it but, always as a dare it's never like as a oh let's eat it because it's like whatever anyways sometimes when I've had it it's been like totally fine it's like not no big deal sometimes when I had it it's been like I've almost vomited, I've had very varied experience with trimming I want to try it I don't think I'll enjoy it, no the thing is like I've seen people that where they try like cooking in recipes and stuff like that I don't think it really you should just eat it as it is because most times when people eat it they just eat that and like potatoes when they actually eat it like traditionally depends what you eat it with like most times people just eat it with potatoes and that's it is when you're trying to mix it with stuff it it sort of ruins like then it's just like goo if you make like a sauce with it or whatever yeah it preserves the fish now because it's fun to eat it kind of there's also like, like back in the day back in the Viking age we had like, we would salt our fish insane amounts of salt and then we would dry them up with the salt or something like that and it would last a lot longer that would also mess you up also not super good